
Yeah, armor sometimes fractures when trying to protect from constant abrasive kinetic impacts and needs to be re-forged with skill. I would love to see how much you fair in face of things that Donald has but at the same I wouldn't because i've no interest in watching people suffer to the level Donald has. If you'd like to debate the subject give me an actual question instead of a pithy criticism, we will see whose logic and truth really hold up to scrutiny, Mr Venomous...

Lmao. Oh I’m sure ol marshmallow is really hard up, for cash that is. Which is the more likely scenario compared to all the nonsense he spews out. Where is Donald anyways? I’d imagine he’s sitting in his studio apartment, eating ravioli out of the can, while he collects patreon donations.

All joking aside.

Real question? Why do you trust the story, that only source comes from one soul individual, whom cannot even get his story straight, the many inconsistencies and direct contradictions are laughable. Now I ask, how can you fall for this David ick-esq bullshitter?

Oh and the name is VenomnymouS, not venomous.

Ooh a potentially reasoned comment!? :D Lets see.. Um... Hard for cash... Power Serve.. Likely scenario..? Back of net... Patreon, ooh failed at the last... donald doesn't and has never asked for donations, doesn't have a patreon, doesn't have other reason to say any of this crazy stuff is true other than That being the case. Doesn't sell books, doesn't like doing interviews, doesn't even like being on camera. Contrast that to your David Ickes, your Alex Jones and its kinda antithetical to the concept of purely trying to earn money? Food for thought... And to answer your quote unquote REAL question, urm, I swear by his information ever since I started experiencing it myself. I was gonna go into this later in a post but i'll say quickly now, I had dreams that Donald then recanted back to me on skype after I woke up and he messaged me, Twice this has happened. I have had a dream with a specific detail in it, then donald has messaged me, and then recanted back to me the detail in the dream that I had not mentioned, he knew what I had dreamed. And he knew what I had dreamed, because according to him it was not dreaming.. It was REM Cloning. I am not the only one he has done this with, nor is he the only one who can do this. Just recently, me and a friend of mine online both had dreams in which we saw eachother, and when i messaged them asking if they had experienced what they had, they agreed, we both remember detail in the dream that could only be the case if it were REM cloning and we had actually interacted. Beyond ALL the references to this situation in music, tv, movies, and media that I may mention on this page, I myself have and still do personally experience this and That is why I support Donald the way I do. Because its true. And Like Donald Says, I am also willing to go on record and take any kind of lie detector test to prove to you I am telling you the truth. So, no, its not like following Dicks like David Icke. I have basically been Donald's closest most personal friend since 2014. Find Me David Icke's. Oh thats right, you can't, because This situation and individual is completely different from that. You are wrong you are ill-informed. I will swear this to my grave on everything I hold most dear. What else you got?

Dude, Donald marshmallow doesn’t like being interviewed and on camera because he can’t keep his story together. He’s a poor man’s version of the fakes, such as Alex Jones and David Ick, hense why I referenced him. Fine, perhaps not money but fame is what he seeks. OR maybe he’s been put here to create a bullshit hole for suckers to fall into when researching human cloning. Because the human cloning is very real and has been for decades. But your online bestie’s story is a convulsion of the true.

How about you listen to this interview and this time forget all the brainwashing you’ve gone under and really listen to his inconsistent and ridiculous story.

It really isn't. You wouldn't want to be interviewed either if all you were gonna say was the same stuff you've been saying for years yet other people thrive on doing this. This one doesn't. And overlooking everything that has gone in the world on Since He Spoke about all this, the mass increasing of references to it. What do you have to say in response to me and my experiences?

What about your experiences? Who are you and why should I believe you? Why do you have sun worship symbolism? Why does Donald use sun worship?

Do you really believe he wrote all those hits for musicians since he was 5? Like really!? lol

I explained that to you in another post, as did donald explain why he uses that symbol, he didn't invent it he just likes it, people like symbols that represent their souls. Is this all you have? Yeah, he inspired what became alot of hits for a lot of people. Look into some songs and you can see its clearly the case, ridiculously so.

Listen - Scenario, Boy good at singing forced to look at a fancy car, boy forced to make song about said car, boy doesn't want to talk about car, boy forced under threat of torture to sing about car, boy uses song as vehicle to describe situation and threat of REM cloning... Torturers finally agree on quality of song enough to make a hit out of it. Listen. You can see this in so many songs its obscene.


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