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RE: Questions Answered Post

in #laurencemountford6 years ago (edited)

Which celebrity, if any, still support #DonaldMarshall and his claims? It seems like whenever one of them want to "help out", they end up back stabbing him. Are there any legitimate supporters left?

For example, here's cointelpro B.o.B. saying "Donald Marshall for president 2016" on twitter before his true intentions were known ...



Haww.. good question. Its not so much that celebs support don. Its more they support themselves by supporting don because if it all goes down in future and they are held acountable they can say they tried to support in the hopes that would give them some level of leniency for being culpable in all this. The tinyiest thing some have done will be used as evidence to forgive some of what they did. Thats one aspect. Another is the much closer one where an opportunistic asshole looking to get relevant for the first time or again and uses donalds name and information as a jumping off point. Those are your B.O.Bs your paclives'. Both are the type with nothing useful or interesting to say and so have to parasite off the backs of others. Alternately you have your tila tequilas who at the CC threaten talking about donald to get more things like tv shows and concerts out of the people who have the real say. Yes there are celebs who im sure deeply regret what they agreed to or were born into and normally if those types speak up they either get defamed, discredited, replaced or killed, like bernie mac. Being good and wanting to expose gets you killed. Being bad and threatening to expose gets you more material wealth or fame as thats simpler than having to deal with the controversy of killing you. And being an opportunistic asshole Pretending to expose only to later further muddy the water with flat earth nonsense? Still doesnt stop you from looking like a skinny crackhead tirone biggums lookin' mothefukcka.. .....Does it B.o.b...

It seems like the CC does a great job of finding the scum of the earth. It's a miracle that DM managed to stay sane with so many psychopaths around him.

They hoovered psychopaths and created sociopaths and thats what happens when evil pissed off ancient parasitical lizards influence primitve humanity. Plus time and technology you naturally end up with the cc. Its normal you see to these people its normal. Most people there were born into it already having had existed for decades. Its methodical calculated distilled evil that place. And the fucked up thing is according to them, they say they used to be way worse. They think cc now is not as bad as how it used to be. Which in a way makes sense before all this they would kidnap and kill people who now only get brought to cc in clones. I say its all messed up and wrong and you can't rationalize away stuff like that. They just do because they are driven insane by about seven different ways. Being made to visit cc. Cannibalism. Chilhood abuse. Mob rule. Religion. Mind control and of course.. fear.

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