Must watch, I mean like 100% you got to see this :-)

in #laughter6 years ago


If you watch nothing else this week, watch this!

Yeh I know, I do a lot of serious stuff, I cover the psychopaths in supposed power, though hey, like anyone else, I have to have a good laugh every now and then.

I tripped on this video, as there is a (freak) girl that looks like this near by, she has the injected lips, fake tits, 10 feet long eye lashes, 2 foot long nails, and a couple of ribs removed, and oh my is she "intellectually challenged" is this the correct terminology for 2019? Balls to that, she is as thick as two short planks of wood!.

The dude in the video literally had me crying with laughter, I hope you enjoy, trust me, I did. :-)

Have a great day, and keep smiling.


Gold fish have more intellect than these two. They were way prettier before and they have wrecked themselves. It'a a bit like a car when you modify it too much and it just isn't right anymore. Good find Shepz.

:-) cheers, and yes, they look like a car crash though to me, like badly repaired after a smash, not modified to be better lol.

Yo dude, you guys don't even do false flag patsies right. You have to shoot them, not refuse to name them, and refuse to show their faces, come on bro, get with the script will ya.

It already is now lol, don't worry, just believe the official story and go and hand in your "expensive" nasty semi auto to the state, as they know how to use them better anyway, when it comes to killing peasants.

She has only just begun, belt up, rough road ahead for you lot, if you hand over them guns.

Yep a bit like that kind of modified.

Ah man that description will have to be the best one I read all day. I am going to upvote you just for that and watch it when I am not in the company of a dozen people.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh man, you are so selfish, all self self self, share it with them my friend, they will love you for it. :-)

Too funny. Those aquatic animals! I would say it’s uncommon but more and more women think that’s attractive. They get sold on the photoshopped shit all over the tabloids and grocery store shelves. I feel bad for those 2, truly. I would reverse my magnetic polarity and push those things away rather than ‘pull’ lol. Thanks for the clip, that guys awesome

Posted using Partiko iOS

He has over 2 million followers I noticed, fair play to him, glad you enjoyed the show my friend. :-)


They sound like Essex girls to me.

Negative stereotype

The stereotypical image formed as a variation of the dumb blonde/bimbo persona, with references to the Estuary English accent, white stiletto heels, mini skirt, silicone-augmented breasts, peroxide blonde hair, over-indulgent use of fake tan (lending an orange appearance), promiscuity, loud verbal vulgarity and socialising at downmarket nightclubs.

Time magazine recorded:

In the typology of the British, there is a special place reserved for Essex Girl, a lady from London's eastern suburbs who dresses in white strappy sandals and suntan oil, streaks her hair blond, has a command of Spanish that runs only to the word Ibiza, and perfects an air of tarty prettiness. Victoria Beckham – Posh Spice, as she was – is the acknowledged queen of that realm ...

Sounds about right. Q. What's the difference between a Walrus and an Essex Girl?
A. One is wet, has a moustache and smells of fish - the other is a walrus.

I could only watch half... he's hilarious... but I just couldn't look at those lips for more than 3 minutes.

Oh bro, you should hang in there till the end, the guy is a riot, in a good way, the girls though, oh dear, words fail me.

Haha faking ones self up by plastic surgery and then thinking everyone wants you and you are better then everyone else. This world has some crazies in it lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL too true, gives you a giggle though, and me lol.

Yes it was a good laugh especially the one presenting it :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

Check this one lol

I really like this guy.

Will do :)

Posted using Partiko Android

A resurrection instead of resuscitation huh? I guess you could call that a die hard.

lol! That was hilarious! ...At least the budgie swinger earrings don't seem to be in fashion anymore!!

Put a plum in your mouth and say "I'm a sugar baby" hahahahahah

I was crying with laughter watching it last night. :-)

I missed that from 4 days ago, I hope people watch to the 6 minute mark, so funny.

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