What do you do when life gets you down?

in #laughter6 years ago (edited)

What do you do when life gets you down?

The answer is quite simple... Laugh!

And if you really want to have a great day... share that laughter with others! Let the inner child within out to play. Laughter can be quite contagious and could possibly change the world. Well one can dream! LOL :-D

Sometimes the world can come down hard on us, and it's easy to go down the road to despair and misery. Who want's that?

I guess it is my mission in life to make people laugh, and I do try as often as possible to make that happen. I like being happy, and well... who doesn't?

I am going to share with you my new theme song I found on YT! When things happen that you have no control over, and have no power to change, play this song. I bet you a dollar you cannot help but laugh! Ready for the challenge?

Great... here we go!

Fair Warning: Lotsa F Bombs!

Have a great day... I dare you!

Original Image Link

AHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! no more fucks!!! this was spectacularly perfect, thank you!!!

:-D I can't stop laughing.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Needed this this morning!!!!!!!

Y/W... Got ya covered! :-D

That was awesome. If we didn't live in such an uptight society I'd demand that song be played on the radio everyday. It's a message most people need to hear.

Right on, and I would not mind at all if this was on blast everywhere lmao. :-)

Hehehe, this is awesome <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Huggins coming straight for you <3

Relevant beyond belief, cheers brother!

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