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in #lasvegas7 years ago

Are you kidding me? Social media is forced right now to curb "hate speech" all over the EU, or in muslim countries to enforce blasphemy laws. And hate to tell you, but Google is also a domain registrar that already censored websites. Not only that, but they seized their domain.

And yes, they should be forced to allow free speech. What does it matter if censorship comes from the government or corporations? I don't give a shit who's the asshole, I'll oppose them either way.

And the UK is fucking retarded regarding this. The guy in the vid below is facing jail.

Tell me how that's ok?

And who's shutting down all the conspiracy videos regarding Las Vegas because it's supposedly fake news? I'll give you a hint, it's not the US government. While I do disagree with alot of the points, there is something off about the whole thing.


In my opinion you oppose a government by taking away it's power and a corporation by stopping to use their serices (which also takes away their power). Use Duckduckgo if you don't like google, and oppose laws that prevent free speech, that's I the way I feel is best to deal with the concerns that you write about and that I share with you. The corporation OWNS their plateform, if you interfere with that by giving the government power to impose on that you go against property rights, and the property rights guarantee free speech, for the OWNER of that medium.
If the owner choses to allow free speech on his plateform people should support that owner and use his plateform, like you are doing with steemit.
Ironicly, I can not watch the video because it is unavailable in the country I'm currently residing in ^_^
So yes, I think that plateforms like google that censor free speech are morally wrong but I don't think that it s by giving government more power over them that you solve this problem.
You say that social media is forced in Europe and in theocratic countries to follow their guidelines but that is their governments doing that and you would give them even more power over those plateforms ?
They say you can argue most with people that you almost agree with and we both agree on the problem just not on the solution.

Except giant corporations such as Google are no longer just private property. They are too big and directly influence governments. And if they are to govern, they should be responsible to the people using that platform. In effect, I am suggesting they are a public utility, not a private company, thus should be directly be affected by any laws governing public space.

Also, I disagree that the platform itself is private property. The intellectual property - the code, and their servers are, but whatever is hosted using that code, is the property of the user. For example, this comment is not the property of Steemit, but mine. Otherwise, anything I say here would be Steemit's responsibility, not mine, which is stupid imo. I alone am the owner of my words, not you or anybody else.

And no, I don't want more government control, but the laws already in place applied equally. In fact, I want less government and corporate control. A platform is like a street or park, maintenance is assured by paying the people that keep it working, but there is no control over the content. But I can see why you think I'd want more control.

And no, in my country at least, we have no hate-speech laws, yet I am affected by that. Luckily, I'm not in Germany or the UK, or I'd possibly get arrested or something for not agreeing with them.

If you don't mind me asking, what country is that?
And well, at least we can agree what the problem is :)

I currently reside in Germany :)
The content is private property but the platform also is. The content can be reposted to another platform that allows it. That whole hate speech thing in the UK is very scary indeed. However I would not get too hyped up by the infowars crowd, all this radical islam fear is being used to bring more laws to enslave us all. Living in Germany and having grown up in France in a high muslim concentration area, I have followed all those terrorist events pretty closely and most of them are suspicious to say the least. Infowars posted an article a few month ago :

The truth is that there was a festival with 1000 people in attendance in total where there was an incident with 2 migrants.
All this hyping the ''islamic threat'' is straight up bullshit. And believe me, I am no fantasy filled liberal on the issue. There are tremendous problems with immigration in the west, mostly crime and dependancy on government.
In these immigrant communities Islam has rather been the thing holding it together to an extent. In my opinion it's all about dividing conservative muslims whose views are very similar to conservative christians and are both the groups being the most targeted by this secular humanist power structure that in the end wants to abolish all currently existing religions to impose their own which is the deification of man.
However these are really different topics ^^
I intend to post my views on these on steemit soon, maybe we can discuss them then.

Have a nice day !

I'm sorry, but Islam is a major problem, not only in the west. Ever since the open borders shit, millions of muslims flooded in, rapes rose, violent attacks rose, murder rose. And most terrorist attacks are done in the name of Allah. Fuck Islam.

And no, conservative christians don't hold the same views. They don't like gays, but they don't want to kill them. They think women should be humble, but not a slave. They think they should convince you to join their religion, not threaten you into it.

While I think all religions bring more harm than good to the world, there is no comparison between the two.

And regarding Islam keeping immigrant communities together is the whole problem. Immigrants should not band together and form enclaves but integrate. But these people came here to leech on welfare, provided by us. And what do we get for it? Rapes, murders, and accusation of racism. Well, fuck 'em! We give them food, shelter, money, a free pass into our countries where they're not hounded for their beliefs, and they bite the hand that feeds them. Fuck 'em! Either comply to our laws, or get the fuck out. Simple as that.

And my condolences to you for living there then. Germany has the same censorship problem, if not worse than the UK.

If baffles me how germans keep giving that Mekel cunt mandats. She single-handedly destroyed the EU.

You are falling for the clash of civilisation narrative in my opinion. I have no problem with you being against islam, everyone has his opinion.
What I meant with Islam keeping it together was not to seegregate them from the rest of society, I meant that it's one of the only things that keeps things from going totally mad max in those neighbourhoods. It's not the religion, as in countries like singapore where there is more of a free market communities live side by side peacaefully (including muslims). We have the same problems with crime in Germany with Turkish immigrants as with Russian immigrants, russians arent muslims are they ?
It s about people coming from 2nd or 2rd world oppressive either communist or theocratic countries in mass numbers.
I will make an extended post on this on steemit soon.
In my opinion it is all about divide and conquer, and it's working like a charm at the moment. In France the very same people that were arguing for completely open borders in the name of tolerance in the 70s are the ones now actively exciting people against each other.
Communist educators, under the banner of organisations called anti-racism for example are sent into the muslim neighbourhoods to promote a victim mindset, telling people that they have no chance in this society because of racism and all french natives are racists and so on. The lodges then bring in the drugs en masse in order to induce criminal behaviour, and are even able control the level of crime by controlling the price of drugs. Add to that the anti-french rap that has been promoted by (also masonic) radio stations and state funded ''cultural'' organisations.
On the opposition you have Marine LePen (whose party lead by her father was also put into power by grand orient freemason french president Mitterand) agitating the natives against the immigrants or muslims, with some concerns that are justified but attacking people and symptoms instead of going to the root.
In France there are cities where there is a much higher concentration of muslims than in the general population but where there is no unemployement and the crime rate is smaller than the national average. It's not about race and religion it's about manipulation.
At arround 2012 there was really a huge backlash against the elites world wide prompting statements like this one from Zbigniew Brezinski :

People were all in unison being frustrated about the rigged economy, the banks being bailed out, the wars and so on.
Public backlash even stoped the war in Syria.
What happened then ? Arround 2014 they started dividing people in a major way in western countries.
In the US that's when all the BLM stuff happened, and the issues about illegal immigration which are really the issues that are the most polarizing.
In Europe that is the time the refugee crisis started, what we've had wars ever since I was born but now all of a sudden people start flooding in in millions ? Also that's when all of these terror attacks were made, when there have been muslims in France since the 70s.
Rich against poor, black vs white, muslim vs christian, old against young, man against woman, left vs right, worker vs employer and so on.
They have succesfully changed the narrative from us against them to us fighting each other over race, religion and trivial politics while the elites are sitting confortably laughing at us all.
Can't you see ? We just need freedom, individual rights and responsibility for all, what relevance does your opinion on islam have to do with that ?
If you say islam is what is enslaving you are so wrong, theocracies always suck, just like you can say the same thing about the Vatican, but that's got nothing to do with true Christianity.
By the way if you look at how much power is held by different religions the vatican with it's current communist jesuit ideology (they are one of the big promoters of open borders btw) is way more of a threat to freedom arround the world than islam which holds no real power and is mostly managed by the muslim brotherhood (freemasonry in the muslim world). By that logic should we not be banning catholic immigration as well ?
This used to be the retoric in America when there was no people of other color yet, back then it was all about the italians and the catholics bringing in crime and tyranny into the country. Believe me my friend, people will always find a way to be divided, doesn't matter weather you have muslim migration or whatever groups existing.

You're partially right. But you're wrong about Islam. It's not like race, because it's an idea, not an arbitrary characteristic you're born with. You choose to be a muslim. And they holy book commands them to lie, kill, or enslave all others.

I agree that mass immigration from anywhere is a problem. But you don't have russians or romanians like myself raping and killing left and right. Worst they generally do is pickpocket and beg. And I'm against you accepting them too. Fuck 'em too. They're worthless trash too. But they're not violent.

And back in the day, the US had a point in hating the italians. They were mobsters and murderers. But unlike Islam, they're followers were rational, more akin to ruthless businessmen. These terrorists kill random people that have no bearing on their affairs.

I agree with you that the Vatican is a fucking cancer on the world, but again, they don't murder and rape people. But yeah, they're fucking commies, so fuck 'em! But I disagree Islam has no power. They're almost a third of the world population and run some strong countries. Yet they don't directly wage major wars, but somehow they make up over 80% of terrorist attacks.

And yeah, people will always discriminate in one way or another, and that's perfectly normal if done for rational reasons. And I see no irrational reason to avoid an ideology that wants to kill me because I don't want to kill gays, or beat up women for no reason, and wants me to bow down to a fucking pedophile. Fuck the religion of piss! Fuck communism! Fuck political correctness, which is basically communism in disguise!

Well we disagree on islam. Who is it that has created and funded radical islam from the very beginning and (I would argue) until this day ? There were plenty of muslim countries like Syria before the civil war for example where muslims christians and jews lived together peacefully, but those countries are in the crosshairs as you know.
As for taking some verses literally I recommend the following video (I am not a muslim by the way) :

I would however defend your right to speak your opinion on islam in front of anyone who would try to keep you from doing that.
Infowars also made that shift into the divide and conquer in 2014, I recommend the following video, starting at 1:21:15 :

For more on what I would see of a true diagnosis of the situation and for some valid solutions I would recommend the following :

At least we can agree on opposing communism :-P

Oh, don't worry I hate all religions. But some are worse than others. Christianity, while still shit, at least reformed slightly by having their central figure, Jesus, be a wine-loving hippie, whereas Islam worships a murderous pedophile warlord.

And yeah, Syria had no problem before Irak. Irak had no problem under Saddam. He was a total asshole, but was not a theocrat and kept the lunatics at bay. Iran was quite liberal before theocracy. Everywhere Islam goes, it reeks havoc and installs oppression.

Look even in the UK, Sweden, and your country, wherever muslims have formed enclaves, there's Sharia patrols, rapes, fgm, honour killings ... the so called no-go zones. And the first victims of this demented ideology are the muslims themselves. Those open minded enough to realise that the modern world doesn't live by medieval rules.

And of course I loathe communism, I live in Romania. I've seen it in practice. And it baffles me how it's being pushed so hard in the west, and countries I looked up to, just take it. Especially yours unfortunately. That worthless hag, Merkel has destroyed the once great Europe, in my opinion.

Diversity is not our strength, fuck that! Cultures are not equal. And the middle eastern and african cultures are objectively shit. While western values offer growth and prosperity.

And InfoWars is way too much man. Alex Jones is a fucking troll. There's some grain of truth in some conspiracies, like this Las Vegas shit, as I do think something is off. But then there's tinfoil hat crazy.

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