
in #lasvegas4 years ago

I have PayPal. Globalists started realizing how invading armies of foreign countries would be resisted by the citizens of the conquered nations. This realization has accelerated especially in the 1900's more so than in previous centuries and it elevated their push to trick the citizens by posing as angels of light, just like Lucifer, the greatest lie Satan ever told was that the Devil does not exist. Control freaks come in with Bill Gates, the United Nations, and others, and pretend to be the good guys. They try so hard to entice people to beg for a Prison Planet. They get people to police themselves to wear masks, get vaccines, to lose freedoms, and more.

Stopping the Election

Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other terrorist groups will be shooting conservatives on election day, which is Tuesday, the third of November of 2020, they'll be attacking patriots who try to vote in person leading up the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. They'll be discouraging millions of MAGA supporters from voting. They'll be doing everything they can to stop people from voting. Patriots must be poll watcher. Patriots must be ready.

My PayPal Account

It's Virus Discrimination. Why are we discriminating one particular common cold virus over trillions and trillions of other ever mutating viruses, germs, etc, which are already in our bodies all the time?

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2020-09-13 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-13 - Sunday
Published in September of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-09-13 21:49:01 RSBN Liz.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Category | Community | Directory | Timeline | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Do you know about liability laws?

10:27 PM - Hive

Do you know about the 4th amendment? Facebook is violating American laws when they act as a platform and as a publisher simultaneously because that violates governmental contracts that they and other tech giants entered using the Safe Harbor Act plus other things. If you study history of related issues, you will see Bill Gates and Microsoft were in court with the U.S government in the 1990's for many years and especially in 1998 because they were violating similar laws. Likewise, you can look at what was happening in the 1970's with United States v. AT&T.

That is just the tip of the iceberg.

People make movies, films, shows, documentaries; write articles, books, research papers, posts, messages, etc, regarding some of what I'm talking about right here. We're talking what Edward Snowden said in his book. We're talking about DARPA, PRISM, the CIA, other programs, other agencies, what they've been doing, what they've been funding. Some of it involves collusion, treason, espionage, other federal felonies, crimes. Contracts, in a court of law, is taken very seriously. So, you have to pay attention to the original contracts and then look at the violations that occur later on. When you study law, you will see how grave these things are and how multidimensional they can be.

Can a platform also be a publisher?

If you act like a publisher, then you violate your liability protection granted by the Safe Harbor Act and possibly other acts and other things, meaning Facebook no longer has liability protection, legally speaking, and that opens up a can of worms, many different things, because they can be sued, they can be tried in a court of law, they can be held accountable for what users post on Facebook. Same thing for Twitter, YouTube, etc. When you're a publisher, like a newspaper agency, a magazine company, a book publishing company, etc, then the Facebook users become the employees, the writers. Facebook would then become potentially responsible for a wide variety of things.

Publicly Funded

But it gets worse, Facebook and other ghetto social media networks and tech cartels have been funded through certain three-letter governmental agencies which means indirectly tax-payer funded which means potentially a public utility or something that can be voted on as it has been funded by American tax-payers. Not allowing Americans the right to vote, to negotiate, is a crime. You can't do that. And that is just the tip of the iceberg like I said, I'm not even mentioning how Facebook violates their own terms and services internally outside of all of this. Long story short, Facebook selectively enforce their own rules. That is bogus. That is 1984. That is a wide variety of different things. I will continue writing about some of these things in the future. My goal is to link to other articles, documentaries, videos, websites, lawsuits against Facebook, etc, etc. There is a lot of information spanning many decades relating to some of these things and much more.

To be continued, thanks for reading, @kimzwarch.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
2020, September 13th, 10:25 PM.


Information You Can Gobble

Voter Fraud

08:11 AM - YouTube

@No More Femme Bots, ​Election Fraud. It is big. Very big. Over 100 million fake votes happening right now against Trump.

I still prefer Jared because he reminds me of me, but that's just me being me.

He looks partly guilty. Oh no, not me, says the dog. I just couldn't help myself.

I would of wrote as a consenter, mankind. Other than that, forevermore includes sex with dead bodies. But I'm only joking. But such a form would offer such a loop-hole.


You Are What You Eat


Learn English You Can Eat


Virus Discrimination

01:40 PM

Why are we discriminating against one particular and possibly common flavor and type of the common cold, a cold virus, that is the 2019 Bill Gates patented GMO engineered in North Carolina 2015 Novel Corona Virus over trillions and trillions of other viruses, germs, diseases, bacteria, worms, other microscopic life, compounds, etc? Why not emphasize on being healthy, building up the immune system through natural remedies, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, etc, as anything can and does kill and murder sick people, period. The common denominator is not COvid-19 but people who are too fat, too lazy, too weird, too retarded, too many vaccines making them too autistic, too much soda, too much mutated milk, too much mea, too much processed foods, etc.


Joy Villa

12:04 AM - Voice Over Violence TOUR



12:10 AM - Alex Jones Full Show Info Wars September 12, 2020 9 12 20 9-12-20 9/12/20

Globalists started realizing how invading armies of foreign countries would be resisted by the citizens of the conquered nations. This realization has accelerated especially in the 1900's more so than in previous centuries and it elevated their push to trick the citizens by posing as angels of light, just like Lucifer, the greatest lie Satan ever told was that the Devil does not exist. Control freaks come in with Bill Gates, the United Nations, and others, and pretend to be the good guys. They try so hard to entice people to beg for a Prison Planet. They get people to police themselves to wear masks, get vaccines, to lose freedoms, and more.

The 100

2020-09-13 - Sunday - 02:52 AM - 03:36 AM - The 100 406

This show is all about encouraging people to get Night Blood, I mean Bill Gates vaccines. It endorses gay lesbian homosexuality. A terrorist man blows up the ark. So, they highlight a group of white men who want justice for his crime. They paint these men as Nazi white supremecy members. They are not but they look pretty racist but are not. The show wants you to hate white men.

Ravin does a A New Hope Luke Skywalker manual override to crash land the space pod in a simulation. That was the way to beat the game so to speak, not to try to win in perfection but to survive in completely the mission.

Fox News

08:14 AM - Gutfeld: Why President Trump won't win the Nobel Peace Prize

Katherine Timpf

Dave Rubin

Do not stay safe. Be healthy instead.

Wake Up

03:32 PM - INFOWARS 2020 Election Countdown Take Back America✴09/11/2020✴{{{WAKE UP}}}✴

Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other terrorist groups will be shooting conservatives on election day, which is Tuesday, the third of November of 2020, they'll be attacking patriots who try to vote in person leading up the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. They'll be discouraging millions of MAGA supporters from voting. They'll be doing everything they can to stop people from voting. Patriots must be poll watcher. Patriots must be ready.

Understanding Vietnam

03:40 PM - Hive

Yeah, I agree and it is a bit of a window into Vietnamese culture. The Vietnamese kids I saw in Vietnam in the 2010's seem to be a little more energetic than the ones in that film you shared from the 1990's. Other than that and other minor changes, it reminds me of a lot of the life I saw while I was in Vietnam.

Ryan Kinel

04:08 PM - Gina Carano DESTROYS Haters, Netflix Cuties Defenders Are TRASH, Star Wars No Plan, Ghost vs TLOU2

Cuties Review

Cuties is a dangerous path to go down. Cuties is a path towards the dark side of the force but in a bad way. Subjectivity, relativity, an absence of eternal morality, objectivity, is a path towards the story hours and Cuties.

50 shades of children?

If you don't believe in right and wrong, then anything goes, which seeds the creation of Cuties.

I am an alien.

That would be a documentary.

You could make a documentary of what already happens.

John Campea is losing his mind.

Before the rise of the Fandom Menace, I used to watch John Campea and that show on YouTube all the time.

Instead of left versus right, it's down versus up.

The Tug Boat


Slippery Slope of a lack of morality, an objective foundation.

CPS is dangerous.

Star Wars Theory in the thumbnail, lol.

I want a taco.

Classy hat, Drunk.


04:43 PM - The Alex Jones Show | 1st Hour Sun 9/13/20

In leftist places, you're not allowed to create firebreaks. In many cases, roads stop fires. But in California, they're legally not allowed to get rid of the brush in forests, woods, jungles, the countryside, the wilderness, the desert, all over the place, in mountains, in parks, valleys, near zoos, rivers, lakes, etc. Leftists are causing the fires partly by not allowing people to prevent the fires in the first place. Small fires happen all the time and smaller fires helps prevent larger fires.

Facebook Timeout

2018-05-14 - Monday - 06:35 PM - The 14th of May of 2018 - Facebook

I posted a photo of Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, a picture of him, with a quote credited to him saying, allegedly, "Hence today I believe that I am actingin accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator, by defending myself against the Jews, I am fighting for the work of ALLAH."

General Shepherd

06:53 PM - The Alex Jones Show Sun 09/13/20 Full Show 720p

Dead people are voting against Trump in 2020.

People and non-people are voting multiple times against Trump in 2020.

Barr needs to arrest the deep state actors involved in treason, espionage, collusion, and other federal felonies, crimes.


08:30 AM - Raisins, blueberry, honey oatmeal breakfast. Off we went. Smoke from fires. Pray for rain. Lunch featured leftovers, that is more oatmeal, around 01:48 PM. Church was good. Sunday school was in James 3. Good to pray for the wisdom of Solomon. Arnold this time, 01:50 PM, I hear noise. Oh, hello. Long time no see. The 4th and last of the litter of 1990. John Smith and not Pohacontas. Not Joseph Smith of the Mormons. What size are you for shoes and feet? Like ten. Seahawk colors. Weird. Bending tree branches. Basketball hoops. New York City. Taken down in blue cities and places in America and around the world. Some boarded up. Some open up here and there at some parks. Good to take photos and match in the striped or stripped like shirts like flannel. Now, it is 03:20 PM, still drinking coffee. Finish the oatmeal on the go. The 2 men, not me, worked on the lights, see yesterday, to finish it up. Not sure if they all work yet but one does, the robbers can now see what they are stealing haha. Piano man. Hello. 40 year old virgin is the name of a movie. See on phone. Video call. Hello. I had a guinea pig name Ra Ra Roberto. Birthday a month after my dad. Oh, my dad born on the 26th of September of 1950. 06:40 PM - looking at the 2 1990's photo albums, plus one for 2004, animals, and stuffed animals.

Sammi Tye @SammiTye and Amouranth and fenella fox @fenellascorner Nahia 2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV Pleamar iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg
Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

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I was home schooled and I prefer home school. Yeah, school can be like prison, I agree.

Leftist puppets will say whatever they're told to say.

I need a nanny - Jessica Williams

When you're in the moment, there's no time to pause for a picture.

Is this a pyramid you just built me made out of three bricks or black squares?

FREE!!!! Great project dresser or for a spare room. Top needs cleaned up, Come get it - Jason Coots

Anyone have some trees with too many apples for you to eat? I'll gladly come take some off your hands - Brittany Ghramm

Is Kneeland Park open now? There is no longer yellow tape and there are kids on the swings. Well, why would it be closed in the first place?

You're the nerd version of Joe Rogan.

I knew it. But this was pre-consent form, so it figures.

I never knew Frozen could be so punny, oddly attractive like frozen yogurt with a side of Mayhem Strawberry, and strangely empowering to non-women men like me ahahaha.

Yeah, why is William Shatner not on this?

​@Fathima Bad. Very Bad. Do NOT social distance because that only helps Bill Gates, the UN, others, take your freedoms as they say lockdown will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER end.

A Generalized Model of the Brain

IRS and Secret Service Confirm That Monero Works

Why can't I share Hitler on Facebook or Twitter?

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