
But you cannot hide the smelling, ¿am i right?

I know that that is not solution but that is only and best thing that I can do. Do you agree?

Nope. You are a co-owner of Steem ecosystem. Haejin and Relaxo are stealing from reward-pool, which is funded from inflation, which decrease value of your tokens.

Are you really ok with that?

^this man gets it.

Muting is the equivalent of putting your head in the sand or rather putting your fingertips in your ears while the house burns down.

Use your VP to help create the culture your want to see an discourage that you do not.

Exactly, you don't fix problems by hiding from them.

If inflation is the problem implement a proof of burn.

This will help address inflation and price depreciation issues

Ive been searching for developers to help me build a new platform that actually addresses it issues instead of letting them fester for 2 years

Check out @lrd. Its a bot that is fighting against inflation and circle voting. If they manage to pulled it off i think is going to be awesome.....

Of course not but only developers can change that. I don't like what they are doing but they just do what current rules aloud them. I would like that we have SP limit and dough they would have many different accounts, things would be different. Limit SP and have as much STEEM as you want. These are just my wishes...

Limit SP @cichar !? why would you want that ?? How would that help anything at all ? SP is the right of anyone to have and in any amounts ? That statement just smacks of Socialism and that as you can see from Venezuala is a failed model, the last thing we need here on Steemit is control on anything ! I would hope and I am pretty sure most people here on this platform will agree with me !

That is no Socialism. Even if you play video games, WOW for example, when you reach maximum level you can't advance more to stop that one player is too powerful. Same thing is here. If somebody is too powerful that is very bad for Steemit... Limiting SP would be better for Steemit but that is my opinion and for me is ok if you think different. Different opinions are always good if you have valid reasons for it...

Sure then we agree on opinons and that good @cicbar ) So when you say limit SP, at what level would you like to see that imposed ??

We can discuss that. In my opinion 50000SP is enough.

Well I do see what you are getting at by this opinion on SP, 50,000 is alot of SP and would always i think generate an income which would satisfy the needs of most normal living human beings sure ! But this is an old argument that I have seen since the beginning on Steemit where people have suggesdted limiting SP ownership and having it like you say capped ! But I think you will find many not agreeing with this as again it does smack of a " socialistic " politic ! I am happy to let others fight over this ! At my point intime it does not concern me too much ! I have invested into SP and post evereyday and recieve moderate rewards, buts its ok ! I just want to see the platform thrive ! If people want to buy big chunck of SP i think they should be able to and its a good thing for everyone, big and small when they do !!

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