The Rising Phoenix StreamsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #larpgate5 years ago

subtitle>Everybody needs Ewe
request>oh sweet jebus, can we have a crypto-social network that reads regional-dialectal-tribal versions of XML?


Like, back when the keychain-requirement-inconvenience hadn't driven me away from my favorite steemit front-ends, I had fancy little buttons that would auto-insert font changes for me and it was sooooo nice. I scroll down and look at this preview, and I sigh.

...but to be fair, you being to tolerate the raw nature of my content is a language of its own. Like how when you start reading scientific research abstracts you notice that they're using jargon to deter access to the data, when in your mind you translate it into your thought-dialect of preference.

That you're involved in crypto-anything means you're part explorer archetype. Here, let me try and google you a citation: bonus google fed me the counterpoint to the archetype I was trying to make (according to the headline).

I think it does apply to an audience of a crypto-social-blockchain-digitalidentitynetwork #DIN

Here's a graphic from the bonus link above:
mama's tell your babies to learn datavisualization

I mean, for steemit purposes you'd probably map the whales to a mix of Killers and Achievers, but that it took what it took for you to find out about steemit's existence means only Explorers find it. Meanwhile -lifelog- FaceBook is adding MST3000 hook into their social manipulation platform.

I think that's part of the appeal of steemit for me, the types of people I think I could run into around here. There's people building things out here on the edge, and their circles of people are sure to be full of interesting ones. It's such a challenge for people like me who speak the same dialect of crazy.


I did find these fancy line-breaks make for a great posting tool. It's the graphical equivalent of "but anyway..."

I did a livestream. It's here:

I haven't watched it, but after having filmed it I'd say there's a good 40% ratio of decent thought material.

The reason I opened with the image from the closing of the stream is that it is a good example of my level of involvement with gematria. 33 is a good sign because the sheeple that are scared of it are always giving it power, when it's secretly the number of your vertebrae. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, and all.

When they(recurring digits) psyncshow up with event endings (such as a livestream), I think of it as: "good sign, on the right path" - a coincidential confirmation of the existence of "neat-o" coincidences.

I called it the rising phoenix stream after the camera-angle and my understanding of "how to do clickbait without feeling dirty about it" level of click-bait titling. Being mysterious of being a matter of how receptive your landmarks are to beneficial mis-interpretation. Tapping into relevant interest through tangents, a little dopamine whiff.

Basically, I'm a guy who saw Social Networking as a way to intellectually journey through the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon and figured I'd see how far I could get. Turns out, that's as far as @frankbacon

I'm a steempost vending machine baby, insert your nickel.


Highly rEsteemed!

Extremely relevant info Bruv!


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