Reisendenlenker(in) - Advanced German ?

in #languages6 years ago (edited)

You love German but sometimes you wonder why it is often so complicated. Here we are with a new example of a simple thing wrapped in a strange sounding compound word.

This word- try to pronounce the feminine form REISENDENLENKERIN- has something to do with public transport. And if it happened to you during the last holidays that you couln't find the right train, maybe one of those people with a red jacket helped you.

He or she is a kind of living signpost, who will show you the right platform, or the way to the Schienenersatzverkehr (rail replacement bus service), explain why your train is delated and can even tell you why the train station needs to be redone in the height of the travel season. The invention of Deutsche Bahn's new helpful species became necessary because of increasing concerns about its information policy.

The word Reisende (passengers) is known, than we have Lenker (guider, usually more used in a sense of driver). Der Lenker lenkt (führt) die Reisenden in die richtige Richtung! The guider guides the passengers in the right direction. Why not führt? Because there already exist the well used Reiseführer (tour guide) and perhaps the word Führer is still a word which no one really wants to introduce again after having been overused in Germany's darkest years.

REISEHELFER, travel helper or a short REISEINFO would have done it.

Here is a bonus compound word: Toilettenbürstengebrauchsanweisung.
Thanks for your visit. Have a beautiful day!


This is amazing!! I had no idea that a word could be so long and complicated!!

You gave a very good example!
So, when you have a conversation with a German, the sentence is going to be very long!! What a long conversation!

Have a good day!


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