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RE: Missing Saratoga Springs, New York

in #landscapephotography6 years ago (edited)

Hi @eaglespirit! Visiting family is always something I look forward to. I hope you get to see and enjoy fresh grown food with your family soon! I am sorry to hear you fell ill from your dip in the hot springs :( that's no fun. Does that generally happen to you? I am 🎵 soooo 🎶 excited to be visiting the hot springs in the morning! Wooohoo! Going to visit the mountains!!
Much love & have a wonderful weekend 🌸


Hey Jill, nice to see you! I just saw you on ned's post re: suicide. Such a sad topic like depression the freewrite house prompt evoked in me today. Ugh! What a day.
Anyhoo, I visit the hot springs at least 3 times a month and it was just that water in particular. They do say not to drink too much of the mineral based water and that one I could only drink a few sips.
Yay you re going, have a great time. I can never get enough, I"m a total addict.

PS. I hope you have dustsweeper bc i accidentally gave you .02 doh!!

Hahaha! I do have #dustsweeper 😉 i dream of 'wild' hot springs. None of those close to where I live. Need to drive a few more hours for those. I'd never drink the water! It's got so many visitors daily. We will arrive when it opens to theoretically getting the freshest water possible. You're lucky to live near many locations! It seems this time of year is really tough on ppl. Myself included. It also seems you're not in the highest of spirits. Life is so complex at times. Here's a sign at the local yoga studio. A girl named Becky drew it 🌸💙 🌸


There's just so much crap marketed to everyone about 'the perfect' life. And, sadder yet 'professionals' constantly pushing the pills to fix everything. Like being sad is a problem! It's not. Being sad is a normal response to life and the crazy around each corner. I am very passionate about these issues as I recover from trauma. I am SO grateful to be working with a professional who does Mindful Communication. Such a good way to heal! Like really heal. This pic actually has the previous book in it too! Shit. Girl! We need to have tea! I am writting a post in your post. LOL


@yogajill OMG this is a friggen amazing response and i just love it! :)
this was totally a blog in a comment and i thank you so much. hehe
i would love to have tea with you! woop
i'm okay, i meditate quite a bit but i should exercise more. i stay balanced but as you know, life is not easy and does not always go perfectly. you are so right on with patience and i honorably accept your message with love. i thank you so very much for that. :) i will think about it for a few days.
being sad is sooo normal and the prompt for that contest was depression, so i went with it and to recall those feelings is not always pleasant but maybe also needed to come out.
you are so so very lucky to be working with someone where you can heal, that really captures my attention since my last two jobs were very unhealthy, political, catty, and everyone threw each other under the bus. my new job i pray will be so much better and hopefully i will get lucky to be around a healing atmosphere. thank you so very much for your kind words and REAL response. i love that and i am especially thankful for your loving response. many blessings to you. eagle :)

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