3 More Fall Photos From Friday - Which Is Your Favorite?

Here are three more fall color photos shot while out on a photo adventure this past Friday. I went to the location to photograph the Kokanee Salmon that were spawning at the Little Truckee River, but I ended up with some pretty cool photos of the area that did not have the salmon in the shot. I'll be the first to admit that these are not going to be my next best sellers, haha! But I still like them and would have probably considered the day a success, even if I didn't find the salmon. I'm curious though:

Which of these three photos do you like best?

_Q1A1778.jpg #1 Looking upstream where there were no Kokanee Salmon.

_Q1A2139b.jpg #2 Looking upstream where the Kokanee Salmon were located.

_Q1A2150.jpg #3 Away from the river a bit, but a cool little sunburst.

I posted a video of this photo adventure where I talk a bit about the gear and camera settings. If you missed it, it can be viewed HERE. I also captured a few cool photos of the Kokanee Salmon which can be seen in the video.

Thank you for looking, watching, and reading!

Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography



Good Morning

Is it morning where you are? I'm getting ready to head to bed soon...

I will 2nd liking the last shot with the suns rays ☀
Tho that golden glow on the river in the first photo is really sweet!
Lovely autumn you are having @scottshots!

Interesting! Maybe I should have used that one as my main photo...
Yeah, there were some nice reflections at that first spot for sure.
Great autumn indeed! Fortunately the winds have been minimal so the trees are still hodling their leaves. Hopefully I'll get a few more keeper photos before winter is here...

these are great, esp that last shot with the sun coming through!

Cool, thanks for letting me know @doitvoluntarily! I almost didn't shoot that last one as it was on my walk back to the car, but got the gear out one last time for it. Cheers!

They all are great it is hard to chose the best.

While I would go for no 1 if I really have to choose.

Nice! Thank you for letting me know! I like that first one too...

For me the third, the first cuts the tree in the composition, I was divided between second and third but the sun through the golden leaves caught me eye!

The third one with the sunburst seems to a popular one. Thank you for letting me know!

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