
That's just beautiful and it's true! It does look like a painting. I have a 50 mm prime lens and for the longest time I had no idea what to do with it. Probably because it was not what I expected, however, over time I have found that it is a most Splendid lens.

Hi Denise, yep the 50 mm is a pretty amazing little lens. It captures more or less exactly what you see. All to do with focal lengths and all that clever stuff which I'm still learning about. I really do like this image. It shows what you can do with this lens. @dswigle

Absolutely. What you see is what you got. And you sure got a winner!

Beautiful. I love my 50mm fixed lens the best. Did you edit this also it is beautiful?
You are a very talented photographer.

Thanks @rebeccabe nope no editing. It's just as it came out of the camera.

I am in this inspiring to see the color on that boat. Quite frankly your framing is perfect too. This is one of my favorite photos in Steemit right now. @molometer

Wow that is really saying something.

"This is one of my favorite photos in Steemit right now"

Thank you so much @rebeccabe

That's a stunning photogaph @molometer. A painterly look as you say.

It gives you almost the same image as you see with your own eyes.

That's one of the things that's so hard to achieve with my phone, I find but sometimes it works well, so I'm not complaining. 😊

Thank s Gillian, I'm very happy with this photo. Now all I have to do is repeat it ha ha. Not always easy as you say. Keep at it.

It is very Monet-like! Simply beautiful. I love the purple loosestrife. It is native for you but considered an invasive species here. Even so, I still love it and the color it adds to wetlands.

It's interesting that you say that @melinda010100 as that is exactly the image I had in mind. Monet's work is wonderful and he used these types of scenes quite often. I had no idea about the Loosestrife how interesting.

I really like surroundings or panorama in photography. It’s simply so relaxing to see a stunning panorama picture.

These were certainly beautiful surroundings and the light was very good too.

Helllo my friend @molometer very attractive and awesome picture you taken. Nice work my friend.

Thanks Shahid, It was one of those occasions when the light was just right and the image made itself. I am very happy with the result. @rabeel

Let me say lovely!

Thank you so much @photobe I really like this image too.

its a very beautiful photo

Thank you I think so too.

Nice shot

Nice shot

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