The Coming Fall Season

The days have been getting shorter, football has started, we all know fall is creeping in on us. It's not a bad thing, we just know it's about time to start pulling out sweatshirts, sweaters, and jackets. For some, the bad news is it means winter is just around the corner and those that love winter are looking forward to it. I know my friend that deer hunts is getting excited.

The leaves here in central Indiana are just starting to change colors. Indiana, like most places, is blessed with a variety of trees that can put on a great fall display. One thing we are not blessed with is an overabundance of hills or mountains to get a good view of the colors, but we do have an abundance of flat farm land for cornfields.


The tree above is interesting to me. Every year this one section changes color, the leaves dry up, fall off, and then the rest of the tree starts changing color.


While we have a great number of maple trees around here, we also have other trees that put various other colors in with the red maple fall colors. This one happens to be yellow. Since the trees vary in the time the color changes the scenery will have one color and then at some point you notice a splash of a different color mixed in. So for a few weeks we get to enjoy an ever changing collage of colors.


Very familiar scene. I've been following the leaf changes in a couple posts....over two weeks already. We are that far ahead in cooling down. :(

These are very pretty.

Even northern Indiana is about 1 week ahead of us and that's less than 200 miles north from here.

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