
Thank you very much my friend @melinda010100!!
That was June 1st 2018, about 13 days ago, looks
about the same, perhaps a little meltage, it has been
warm, we are looking for A/C for the igloo! ;-)

My friend @snowyknight seen the Haiku that
commented under your comment and is doing
a haiku test post! Thought you might like to
check it out also! ❤
Rock Hiaku

Good luck with bot calling and moose tipping! Must be an Alaska thing. 😉

Totally! lol ;-)

Hello! It's actually a global thing... Long like the hiaku and the @hiakubot!

Did you get it to come to your post? it was following me around for days, but then it vanished!

Yes! But likely do the the poetic charms of @shasta.
To get the breakdown:
But let's just say not every Hiaku triggers the @hiakubot. It seems like 1 out of 10 or less obtains a reply.

One out of ten haiku triggers ain't bad
I'd be more glad for more fossils and rocks!
Not just missing socks! haha

Thank you very much king of the north @snowyknight! :-)

If one time they come
journey through the internet
smiles all around us

Thank you!

It is stunning! Is
This how much snow is on it
Now? Gorgeous shot. Tip!

                 - melinda010100

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Hello @haikubot how do we get you
to show up on the comments?? :-))

Yes @haikubot, please come back! We need you!

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