Thank you very much my friend @melinda010100!!
That was June 1st 2018, about 13 days ago, looks
about the same, perhaps a little meltage, it has been
warm, we are looking for A/C for the igloo! ;-)
My friend @snowyknight seen the Haiku that
commented under your comment and is doing
a haiku test post! Thought you might like to
check it out also! ❤ Rock Hiaku
Thank you very much my friend @melinda010100!!
That was June 1st 2018, about 13 days ago, looks
about the same, perhaps a little meltage, it has been
warm, we are looking for A/C for the igloo! ;-)
My friend @snowyknight seen the Haiku that
commented under your comment and is doing
a haiku test post! Thought you might like to
check it out also! ❤
Rock Hiaku
Good luck with bot calling and moose tipping! Must be an Alaska thing. 😉
Totally! lol ;-)
Hello! It's actually a global thing... Long like the hiaku and the @hiakubot!
Did you get it to come to your post? it was following me around for days, but then it vanished!
Yes! But likely do the the poetic charms of @shasta.
To get the breakdown:
But let's just say not every Hiaku triggers the @hiakubot. It seems like 1 out of 10 or less obtains a reply.
One out of ten haiku triggers ain't bad
I'd be more glad for more fossils and rocks!
Not just missing socks! haha
If one time they come
journey through the internet
smiles all around us
Thank you!
It is stunning! Is
This how much snow is on it
Now? Gorgeous shot. Tip!
- melinda010100
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
Hello @haikubot how do we get you
to show up on the comments?? :-))
Yes @haikubot, please come back! We need you!