Young girl on a dusty lane, India – Portrait Photography

in #landscapephotography6 years ago (edited)

This is my entry in the Portrait Photography contest by @juliank

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Down this dusty lane behind my condo in Gurgaon, India, I met this sweet young girl as she was walking to her home in a small village. The narrow lanes of the village were lined with various small shops and stalls selling basic goods. Her family lived in a simple 2-room cinder block house.  

A new world

Although her home was only steps from the main road on which my condo was situated, it was in a very different world. In front of my condo, an entire new city was being built, with glass and steel towers. Inside the towers were upscale bars and restaurants, as well as offices of various multinational corporations. Outside were fountains and landscaped plazas. (Behind the corrugated tin shack at the top of the photo, you can catch a glimpse of one of the shiny new towers.) 

A new lady

During the few years that I lived in Gurgaon, the “new city” continued to grow, develop, and expand. But the small village where this girl lived hardly changed at all.    

We know that this girl has grown. Even if she has remained in that village, let's hope that her life has improved along with the “new” India in her peripheral surroundings. 

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I did not know you had a condo for a while in India as well! I think india is a very interesting place to live and travel! Damn, I am jealous on your life!

I lived n worked there for 4 years. I hear you're living in the Philippines, so I'm kinda jealous of YOUR life.

I was fortunate to live in various countries and learn lots about the world. And meet all sorts of interesting people.

Of course, I was unfortunate to have various difficulties ... as we all do.

Hoping your life is always good and adventurous, and that any difficulties are learning experiences and soon overcome.

You are right, I can not complain! Nobodys life is perfect, it is just a balance between the right and the wrong choices. I think we both made many good choices in our lives!

I catch the tinge of satire in your stunning narrative. How the world splits into two, the rich on one hand and the poor on the other. As you make us know, attention is being devoted to build a "new" city for the rich, whereas the poor are left to remain in their miserable, unchanging state.

You have told the story of this unfairness in your picture and the lucid descriptions attached to it. I can only hope that the holy heavens would reward you for it.

Like you, I would say,

Even if she has remained in that village, let's hope that her life has improved along with the “new” India in her peripheral surroundings.

Agree, and thanks for your input. Also, see my dialogue with, below.

Trust me, I will see it.

Weird for an Indian to wear black and white, usually is for funerals, isn't it.
This kid probably moved to a more urban area and became malicious and cynical.
Or maybe not.

Or, more likely, she became repressed, so that she cannot even express her cynicism and misery.

Indeed! That is even more likely!

Sad but true. True, and very sad.

Lovely little damsel, she's so beautiful. And the picture was captured at the right area, the background matches the picture well and make everything so beautiful.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and let's hope that time have brought good life for that girl and wishing her great and healthy future, but in my opinion till we have good politicians we cannot grow and growth doesn't mean today's countries ranking instead the rate is increased where people ate lacking basic needs. Let's hope it will change. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed.

I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, during my 4 years in India, the world of the white-collar, educated, upper classes grew by leaps and bounds. But the lives of the labourers did not improve much – if at all.

One man, whom I had hired to clean my apartment and wash my car, provides a great example. He and his family had come across the country, from West Bengal, to try and make a successful life in Gurgaon.

After about 5 years, he realized that their lives had NOT improved. In fact, life in the city was in many ways tougher. So they packed up their belongings and went back to their real home is West Bengal.

Let's hope he's doing well today.

We can just hope that earth will become better place to live for everyone without any scarcity for anyone.

..the little girl's smile just caught me sir @majes.tytyty,so pure and innocent.
...she's young and fashionista,she'll probably end up as trend setter in India!(hopefully😊)

I agree. When I met her, I thought she was dressed very prettily! And the flowers in her hair were the perfect touch.

That is why I don't like Indian and Pakistani Government, they just think of big cities, big malls, big roads, They never think of Villages, Here are some villages That don't even have Electricity and gas,
This is just bullshit :/
They are just making money for themselves.

Agreed. There a misallocation of resources and waste of resources. Not to mention an unhealthy amount of corruption.

@majes.tytyty your choice is outstanding and the location is also good. The story of girl is also mind blowing, she will grown up with best available facilities, hope for the best and we all must have to contribute where we can. You have done an outstanding job to highlight her problems so the NGOs and other organization has to take up the case and should help her and her society. Thanks for sharing this.

Let's all work for change, not just hope for change.

Yes sir I agree with you..... all are to work in his/her own span of control. I know that I can't reach to this girl but I can find these type people in my own area and start up helping them.. so we can bring change.

Hi @majes.tytyty. nice to visite your blog. Eventhough I know the reality is always different. But I can't avoid of thinking that India is always as sweet as in the movie I often watch.

Maybe in some places it is sweet, but in many it's not. For instance, this photo of the sweet girl in the pretty dress is beautiful.

But I also saw many, many young girls who had tattered, dirty clothing and no shoes. And definitely no flowers in their hair.

I think you've done your best @majes.tytyty. your writing will spread the message to everyone who can reach and help them. Thank you for being so kind...

You captured not just the glimpse of her innosent smile. but also part of how you know a bit of her life story. For every young kid nowadays should be raised properly and give importance to this new generations.

So true. Kids now and always.

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