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this is so kind of you to say .. i have followed you and i will keep you in mind as i go over so many of my photos to share. thank you!

This is somewhat of a surreal photo I can feel this place and the ocean's breeze as well. Nice to meet you @eaglespirit. I will be following you.

hey @rensoul17 that is so lovely of you to say and yes the breeze was definitely there that day! Nice to meet you too and thank you for the follow! xx

Great pic!!! Congratulations (and the exercise must have been good as well...) :-)))​

Hey, thank you so much @ksolymosi! the exercise was intense! LOL

Wow! That's a very interesting wave pattern, like a lightning bolt with the crests going into the gap. I went to Point Reyes lighthouse a few times (twice maybe). It's got a nice view. And sea otters I think.

Hey thanks @eonwarped! Yes the lighthouse is pretty spectacular, sometimes sea otters and we saw whales that day. OH how I miss home sometimes. xx

I wonder what's causing the white foam in the water? So you have any idea?

salt and water pressure, it comes crashing in pretty strong in the Pacific. Maybe google will give you the exact reason, but that is the basic idea.

When I see rock edges like that, makes me wanna jump from the top into the ocean. But then again, I have phobia of scary creatures lurking underneath the sea. :D Hahah

Wow, would you really? do you think you were a cliff jumper in a previous life? Yeah i have the same fear of white killer sharks ... my heart starts pounding fast just thinking of the teeth. no thank you! xx

My name literally means Dweller At The Crag in Gaelic!! LOLOL!!!


Very nice name and interesting photo .. photo posting on a photo. lol

That photo was from Yellow Mountain, or HuanShan, the ancient sacred mountain of Taoism... The most hilarious thing is, I had no idea of that when I was there... But I read a book recently called The Wandering Taoist, about a Master who had grown up there for his training... As I read and saw maps and cross-referenced it with memories, I was like wait a second! I have been there!!!
And for all the places I have been, I have not taken enough photographs... This is the big Banyan Tree at LaHaina, on Maui...
At The Banyan Tree....jpg

Very interesting places you have been. Did you feel the energy? That is also interesting that you realized that you were there through reading ... LOL

I do feel the energy in different places I go... Ankor Wat in Cambodia was the strongest I have felt, by far... Huanshan should have been, but I literally had to take a step then count to five before proceeding, there were so many tourists... I like my sanctums sanitary...

Nice! Very cool that you got to go to those places.

I love that photograph. One of my favourite things is shots taken through gaps, windows or doors.

so interesting @gillianpearce. i'll keep that in mind as i walk or hike through the mountains! LOL

Ohhh man!! That's on my bucket list! Have you been to Glass Beach @eaglespirit?

Hey @luanne, yes i have been to glass beach, those photos will come shortly. xx

Can't wait to see!!!!!!!

That is a beautiful and amazing place! I like the slice of ocean visible between those huge rocks — the perfect union of earth, air, and sea, with you being the fire! 😊

Thank you so much TKG!! AWw me being the fire .. so sweet.
Did you like that group EWF? LOL Big hugs and miss you. xx

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