Frustration from Unpaid Work

in #labourlast year

Photo by sol on Unsplash


Frustration from Unpaid Work

Today I come to talk to you about a topic that is rather personal and it is a topic that has a certain recurrence and is repeated in a certain way in different areas, and that is that I want to talk to you about when you are not paid on time for the work you are doing .

It is very common to see that an employer or a boss assigns you to do a task or to do a job and has previously agreed on the amount of pay you are going to receive or the reward you are going to receive for that work, and the date on which which they will pay you.

Suppose that for this example that I am giving you it has been agreed that weekly, every Monday at 2 in the afternoon, you will receive the amount of salary for which you have agreed to work.

But it turns out that this employer is assigning you tasks and tasks, you are aware that the company has sufficient economic capacity to make the payments, but simply, well, when Monday arrives, the day of the agreement in which you should receive the money for the work you have been doing, the company does not pay you.

Either because he makes any number of excuses, because he says that there is a delay in the banks, that they have not released him, that they have not deposited the payroll money, that the suppliers have not paid him. And you know very well that all these are excuses and they are lies, because when we are talking about an institution as big as the government of a country, and in this case I am referring to the government of Venezuela, it is assumed that it has enough funds to make payments to all the people who work for them.

And well, it tends to happen more often than I like that people who do jobs, who have contracts or bids for government companies or directly with the government, usually receive payments for up to six months, 12 months, up to two or more years later, after they have done the job. The problem with this is that by receiving the payment with such a long delay, the money at the time of receiving it is already devalued, so the ability to acquire goods and food has been significantly diminished, that is, it gives the impression that the The money you have received is no longer used to buy anything at all and this really leads to great discomfort and great frustration.

It is very important that those who are in charge of employers pay on time, because this directly affects the motivation that one has as a worker and affects the commitment that one has with the job, since obviously one is working to obtain the economic reward.

And the problem with this is that the delay in payment to receive these rewards for the work that one is doing directly affects the finances of my person, my personal finances, this affects the ability that I have to face all the responsibilities that I have in my daily life, because obviously I am counting on the fact that I am going to have this income from work, this reward for the work that I am doing on a certain specified date as we have agreed.

The delay in payment by my employer, in this case the Venezuelan government, also greatly affects my relationship with my employer. This generates in me a great lack of confidence and doubts in wanting to continue working with them.

Whether the willingness to continue doing a job is really diminished and this directly, as I have said, produces this frustration and affects the quality of the work that I am doing and also the ability to meet the deadlines that are set for me to carry out the tasks to which I am being assigned.

Precisely, the delay in these payments, which is repeated, that is, it is not once, it is not twice, it is not three times, it is more than 20 or 30 times throughout the year, in which they are late to make the payment .

This makes me reveal myself and intentionally do poor quality work, because I work with poor quality and with contempt, with reluctance, completely unmotivated and quite upset about it, because the employer, which is the government, continues to receive the benefit of the work that I am doing, of the finished product that I offer you.

In this (hypothetical) case, it may be the creation of content or the development of web pages, different types of tasks, but I deliver the work within the period that they demand and they are not fulfilling the obligations they have.

I am aware that this is not an optimal solution, that I reveal myself and that I do the job with poor quality, but this is my response, the natural response that I have to the frustration of not receiving payment, because I am Counting on that money to buy food, to pay the rent for the apartment where I live, to be able to buy the things I need and to face the financial responsibilities that I have.

And apart from all this, I feel that this is a lack of respect for the work that I am doing.

The solution so that this situation does not occur is as follows: express my dissatisfaction with them and with the delay in payments, kindly and kindly asking them more than once, both me and my other co-workers, to please make the payment in the appropriate period of time, that at the latest they let us know or inform us when they are going to make the payment in case they are late.

But it is that they do not take that measure of notifying us when they are going to make the payment or when they are going to be delayed. So, no matter how many times we ask them to give us information and keep us informed of when they are going to pay us, they don't.

We are blind, we do not know when they are going to pay us, never.

And look, for example, I have been waiting for the payment since yesterday, Monday, which corresponds to me weekly, and it is already Tuesday at noon, and I have not received the payment.

In my case, I need to buy food, hunger doesn't know how to pay, the stomach doesn't wait.

Here I am hungry and I am counting on the money to buy food, rice or vegetables that I need to prepare my meal for the whole week. And I don't have the money to buy food, so I'm starving.

Since the food supply that I already had for this week, which just ended on Monday, I already consumed it.

The food I had, I ate yesterday, and really what I have left is just for one meal. Nothing else. And this is precisely why I am counting on the payment that should have arrived yesterday, Monday.

I have thought about giving up this type of work and looking for another source of employment, but I cannot afford that luxury because this is a job that I do directly from home and it is very comfortable.

I am aware that they take advantage of this situation to delay payments. And talking with other colleagues, we have come to the conclusion that they delay payments to generate more interest with that money they have in the bank and try to pay us, their employees, with that interest.

And the solutions that I have proposed are with the idea that they are respectful of the payment terms of all of us, those of us who work for them. Because there are people, there are entire families that depend on that money for their livelihood, for their food and their way of life.

In today's post, I wanted to tell you about this, about these obstacles that we have to overcome in life.

And present my point of view of being rebellious and of working with poor quality when this type of situation happens to me, above all because I am someone very correct and very honest with the work commitments that I acquire and with the quality of the work that I offer, but when they do not comply with me and when this situation has been repeated more than 20 consecutive times, then we have been delayed in payment for more than 20 weeks in a row in one way or another, and we cannot meet commitments that are important, financial commitments which are essential for each of us.

If the same thing has happened to you and you feel identified with what I am saying, please let me know in the comments.

Thank you and have a nice day.


That is a very unfavourable situation. And it doesn't help you that there are also clients in Europe, in Germany, who don't pay their bills on time or at all. The public sector is indeed one of the most delinquent payers here as well. I got into the habit a long time ago of no longer accepting orders from them. But - I have the choice. Maybe that is not possible in your situation and you are dependent on it...

But in no case would I deliver inferior work. That does not fit in with my work ethic and my self-image. I prefer to go to court (do you have an independent judiciary?).

And: of course this post would also be welcome in Dream Steem! We don't have a thematic limit; you express your feelings, your outrage. You do what a writer does: you write about it!

Sadly (due to necessity) I have to accept the orders of these people, and it's not exactly something I feel comfortable with, but necessity obliges =( .

It is an evil that exists everywhere, but certainly in developed countries I have the impression that it is seen less frequently. Politicians, they are corrupt without borders.

Oh and thanks for clarifying the community thing, because I was afraid of committing an infraction, that's why I preferred to publish it on my blog just in case I didn't screw up.

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