in #labor6 years ago

Before entering fully into the subject it is necessary to make some preliminary considerations for a better understanding of the subject.
In general terms the expressions: "labor harassment", "moral harassment", psychological harassment at work "," harassment at work "," occupational psychoterror "" labor mobbing "or" mobbing ", define the same conduct not allowed, what happens is that the authors who have written on the subject have adopted the phrase that best describes that phenomenon for them.
In Venezuela, Occupational Harassment or Psychological Harassment at Work is a conduct that is not permitted, sanctioned by the Law and that entails the active subject, "Acosador" is understood as a series of consequences of various kinds, including penal sanctions.
Psychosocial factors and psychological harassment at work as emerging risks are considered potentially harmful to the health of workers and their relationship with an indeterminate number of pathologies is enormous, even though the causal relationship between these agents and the pathologies installed in the workers is still not completely clear and established. However, according to the ILO Report on the prevention of occupational diseases (2013) links have been found that relate stress to musculoskeletal, cardiac or digestive pathologies, and prolonged exposure to stress-generating situations can cause serious cardiovascular disorders.
The Labor Harassment is considered by a good number of professionals of diverse specialties (psychologists, lawyers, doctors, etc) as the new labor plague of the 21st century.
In Venezuela according to figures from the National Institute for Prevention, Health and Safety at Work (INPSASEL) for 2006, 6.3% of occupational diseases certified were caused by psychosocial factors and 1.6% were cases of Mobbing Syndrome. (Source: Directorate of Epidemiology and Research)
Given these considerations, we can say that Labor Harassment means:
Any hostile, offensive, malicious, intimidating conduct, or the behaviors, words, acts, gestures and writings that are "systematically" exercised by a person or group of people over another person in the workplace, and that manifests itself through any act that attempts against the dignity or the physical or psychological integrity of the person or harms it psychologically or morally and that has for its purpose the psychological destruction of the victim, the abandonment of his job or degrade the conditions thereof .
This definition is integrated by the characteristics that in our opinion are the most outstanding of the conceptual approaches handled by Leyman (1996), Hirigoyen (2001) and Piñuel (2001).
In Venezuela there are several conceptual approaches or definitions of "labor harassment" in different laws that address the problem in general or from a gender perspective. In this article we will deal with the new definition incorporated into the Organic Labor Law, the Workers and Workers (LOTTT) and in subsequent articles we will deal with the definitions contained in the Organic Law on Prevention, Conditions and Work Environment (LOPCYMAT) and the Organic Law on the Right of Women to a Life Free of Violence , as well as, of the characteristic elements of Labor Harassment, its types, phases, strategies deployed by the "Harasser" and the typical behaviors of harassment.

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