The reason why the Moon Jae-in regime is criticized

in #kwh4 years ago

For three and a half years, I looked at the Moon Jae-in regime. At first, I expected that the Candlelight Revolution would be properly promoted. I agreed to the settlement of red waste. This is because they agreed that in order to open a new era, the first thing to do is to remove the messy obstacles and trash in front of the road.

After three and a half years of calling for redemption, they gradually turned into redemption and looked at the process of becoming obstacles and garbage in history. What made them that way?

After the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in regime, the words that came to mind when looking back at what they did so far were tricks and incompetence. Suddenly came to power due to the impeachment regime. He took power, but had no intention of what to do or what to do. If you don't have enough thoughts, you can recruit capable people. There are many talented people in Korea. They insisted on their side rather than the capable person.

Even if he was incompetent, he was insisting on his own side, so there were only incompetent people around Moon Jae-in. He didn't want to share the spoils of power with people who didn't know well. For them, power was not an opportunity to serve the nation and nation, but merely a spoil to share.

It's a trick when incompetent people get into the position of responsibility. This is usually the case for those who do not have the ability to maintain their current position. As soon as the Moon Jae-in regime seized power, the goal was to maintain power. Probably because they knew they weren't able to hold power and govern.

After the Rhee Syngman regime emerged, there seems to be no case in which maintaining the regime itself was the goal. Except for the Moon Jae-in regime. When they seize power, any regime is contemplating what they will do for their nation and nation. Even those who took power through a military coup had their own loyalty that it was for the country and the nation because the method was anti-constitutional.

In the beginning, the Moon Jae-in regime had no idea what to develop and how. The development of inter-Korean relations was not really a tool for peace on the Korean Peninsula but for the public support of the Moon Jae-in regime. There was an opportunity to leap forward in inter-Korean relations, but they all missed out on their own. If you make up your mind, the transition to opposition can be over with just a word from the President. Looking at the situation, the conversion of optoelectronic rights within the current administration was gone.

The Moon Jae-in regime is now in a dead end. Sending Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha to the United States is just a tricky trick to try to raise the support of the people even a little by using inter-Korean relations when Biden enters the country.

Unlike ours, the US policy-making process takes a long time and once decided, it continues like an aircraft carrier. It is a story that doesn't change from place to place. The policy toward North Korea under Biden's regime will take at least several months to undergo a review process. I think the priority of foreign policy in Biden's regime is the competition for supremacy between the US and China.

Biden's US will probably pursue a policy of gradually tightening China from the outskirts. First, it will strengthen its front yard, Central and South America, and gradually approach the Middle East, Europe and Asia. Unfortunately, there is not much room for the Moon Jae-in regime to use the Biden administration to make tricks.

Moreover, Biden will not think that he will share the policy toward North Korea with the Moon Jae-in regime, which was in combination with Trump. Eo-Jun Kim is still supporting Trump because he knows that very well.

The real estate problem is also running to the extreme of trickery. There are so many circumstances that the Moon Jae-in regime's real estate problem can only be considered deliberate. There are doubts that the Moon Jae-in regime seems to have intentionally raised the price of real estate.

The core of the Moon Jae-in regime is the Gangnam left. They did what they deserved to be accused of using their power to increase the price of their real estate. Wasn't he trying to build a support base for the Democratic Party by raising real estate prices? I had already posted a post some time ago, but together with the Democratic Party, all the members of the Seoul City Council were rich in real estate.

In the end, the 20-year Democratic Party's plan was to build their own support through these tricks and breaks. It is understood that creating a public will is also in line with such an attempt.

If you have the ability, don't do tricks. If there is something in common with Korea, Mihyang Yoon, and Miae Chu, they are all masters of trickery. Therefore, giving Jeon Tae-il a medal while enacting the Labor Evil Act is the ultimate trick. I can't shut my mouth as I see Kim Sang-jo, who called for the chaebol reform, revealing himself as a leader of the chaebol.

In words, it is a progressive party, but what it is doing is more like a gutter than any other regime in history. So, with more than 170 seats, you can't do anything and try to evade the prosecution's investigation.

Living like that in everything, the Democratic Party is filled with only the masters of trickery. Park Ju-min, who became a member of the National Assembly with the Sewol ferry, forgot the Sewol ferry. Strangely together, the Democratic Party is full of people who live the world by tricks. Of course, I think that's because the owner, Moon Jae-in, lived that kind of life.

It is an oil species.

I think it is politics to find people who have the right meaning rather than smart people. I thought the meaning was correct because they were self-proclaimed activists. But they were the most rotten. Not only do they become corrupt, but they are incompetent and tricky.

So we live in a country we have never experienced.

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