Check Out the Positives and Negatives of Playing Latto-Latto

Initially, latto-latto or clackers balls were made as a tool to teach children to practice hand-eye coordination.

Previously, this game was banned in the 1960s because many injuries occurred to children's hands due to the formation of latto-latto balls.

In 1966, the Food and Drug Administration even issued a warning regarding the dangers of lattos.

As a result, this game was banned because it was considered to contain chemicals or radioactivity and was flammable.

Therefore, latto-latto toy manufacturers try to make these toys from materials that are lighter and safer for children.

Another positive impact of this game can also be obtained if someone plays it with peers. This of course will automatically improve the social and emotional development of children. And this is very influential on the emotional intelligence of children later.

Meanwhile, the negative side of playing latto-latto is more the risks that occur when playing this game. Which, it was previously known that this game was played by hitting 2 small, hard-textured balls using one palm with an up and down motion until it made a loud sound.

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