in #krishna7 years ago (edited)

The young woman with dread locks at the Walmart returns-desk, very much alive in the spirit of God, is having a wonderful talk about God and a church she attends that is "alive" while taking care of the customer

My turn. Her eyes are bright and face is full like a moon, colorful checks and vibrant energy radiating out of her. An old man is having difficulty getting the ride around electric cart to go and a co-worker just brushes past him without helping. My returns-desk lady is angry.


"What's the matter with people? Why can't she just stop to help him. All it needs its to get unplugged."

I said, "Without the spirit of love of God people can't do nice things for each other."

I thought about that afterwards. It's true. Without the spirit of love of God, devotional service, no one can do anything "right."and with the spirit of love of god, devotional service, no one can do anything wrong.


we all need the spirit of love of god

we all just expect the magic of his keep coming

Advanced tools are also many benefits

Wow a nice place, also a sophisticated tool, surely its expensive cost

no one can do anything wrong with the sprit of GOD..


we as human beings should help each other, and help it does not look rich or poor..

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