Short story: "The Lord works through whom He chooses."

in #krishna6 years ago (edited)

Sukanya realized that on her journey she had had many spiritual masters just in this one lifetime alone. By the Lord's arrangement, someone would be there with just what Sukanya needed at just the right time to be able to make another leap forward.

It was the only way she could reconcile what she was experiencing in the association of Kalyani who had a profound effect on her with even the slightest contact. She was sure Kalyani was absorbed in the ecstatic worship of the Lord and that was the only way Sukanya could even begin to fathom the strangeness surrounding Kalyani.

Very often Kalyani would speak very authoritatively but what she said made no sense at all. She would even contradict herself in the same breath with the same tone of authority. It was uncanny. That was just one thing. There were many other unusual behaviors.

At first, Sukanya though Kalyani was developing senility in her old age. Having spent a lot of time with seniors in nursing homes Sukanya was well aware of their irrational behavior. There was no reasoning with them. It was as if they only responded to tones of voice and gestures, but the words were incomprehensible to them. What to speak of putting them into a sentence.

But even if that were the case with Kalyani her association was invaluable. Sukanya was put immediately into the most ecstatic trance-like states. It was Kalyani's tone of voice. Not even so much "what she was saying."

Sukanya had been experimenting with non-verbal communication for some time and had concluded that the words themselves were extremely limited. Without tone of voice, facial gestures, body movements, etc. the words were dead and lifeless. They were simply labels on the outside of a jar describing the contents. When the words became alive and dynamic, because there was a person speaking them, they were so much more than labels. They had dimensions of sound, sight, taste, smell, and feeling to them. They became alive.

This was Sukanya's experience with Kalyani. Kalyani's words were alive like that. It didn't matter that they didn't cooperate very nicely in a sentence to produce a reasonable statement. They were beyond reason.

Sukanya would be transported to a realm where Radha and Krishna were all in all. And her desire to serve them would increase multifold with no end in sight. Sometimes Sukanya tried to get rid of any thoughts of Kalyani but it was as if Kalyani had put a spell on Sukanya. She could not ignore the fascination with Kalyani and her way of communicating. Sukanya could only accept that Kalyani was existing on another plane altogether and was indeed absorbed in her own ecstatic mood of love of
Godhead and it didn't have to make sense to the rest of the world or me.

In this way, Sukanya considered Kalyani another one of her spiritual masters.


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