in #krishna5 years ago

Recent experience: Energy release. There are blockages.

They are called anarthas.

The desire for love of Godhead has to be very, very strong for these blockages to be removed. They are stubborn and firmly entrenched. We identify with them as if they were actually part of our eternal spiritual personality. When in fact they are learned patterns of material conditioning.

Everyone has them, except for the pure devotees.
I know when I'm facing one in real time when the form and shape of it is possible to be seen. It's happy day when it is exposed but it is like pulling a tooth. Painful. Embarrassing.

The mind screams, "No! Don't take my anartha away. What will I do without it? I have relied on this for a very long time. It never worked but still it is like an old friend. We are familiar with each other. There is comfort in that alone.. Even if the anartha has never achieved a positive result, still it's something I am very good at doing. I've perfected it and the outcome is always predictable."

Like a baby's old stuffed teddy bear.


Or Linus with his blanket.

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