in #krios6 years ago (edited)

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Krios is a web and portable application intended for organizations hoping to run productive, fruitful, and financially savvy advanced showcasing efforts.

Krios is a partner organize and crusade administration stage that consolidates blockchain advances to help associate organizations looking for special and connection exercises with influencers who have important socioeconomics and experts who offer pertinent administrations.

The Krios stage associates organizations with the correct offshoots to permit entrepreneurs and advertisers to straightforwardly impact and pull in their objective in showcase.

Krios Aim:

I. Krios is to make a stage whereby independent ventures and new businesses can make indistinguishable computerized advertising openings from huge multinational partnerships.

ii. Krios is to make a great and temperate across the board arrangement that takes into account various advertising needs, while keeping up effortlessness and usability.

The stage centers essentially around bringing internet based life influencers, experts, and chiefs, content makers, visual creators, marketing specialists, and all the more together to make cost-productive publicizing efforts which advance brand mindfulness, increment natural business development and empower mark steadfastness.

The intensity of web based life organizing and the utilization of partner promoting is boundless and keeps on prospering as organizations reliably acknowledge over the top benefits through the keen and productive procedure of interfacing with important influencers.


Promoting is the investigation and administration of trade connections. While Digital promoting is the advertising of items or administrations through computerized advancements.

The American Marketing Association has characterized showcasing as "the action, set of foundations, and procedures for making, conveying, conveying, and trading contributions that have an incentive for clients, customers, accomplices, and society on the loose."

Thus: Businesses empower input from clients through online sources, sites, and web journals which gives shoppers a voice and gives them a chance to feel vital. Also, Information can be traded quickly all around the globe from shared and business to customer, urging the intended interest group to voice their assessment.

Affiliate marketinghas three connections between parties:

• The sponsor is the organization offering the items or administration. They are endeavoring and willing to pay another gathering to publicize and advance their item or administration for them.

• The distributer is the individual or organization that is publicizing the item or administration in return for commissions. The publicist gives the distributer some kind of substance (pennants, joins, advertisements, telephone numbers, limited time codes, illustrations, and so forth) which they post on their site or web based life outlets to accumulate consideration for the organization.

At long last, the client is the person who is being called to activity. They are the ones who see a commercial and are required to either visit the site, round out structures to enroll, or buy an item. This is known as a transformation.


Paying exponential check ups of 10-30% for access to influencers through offices or outsider stages. As of now, the best way to achieve influencers is through their operators, an outsider stage or endeavoring to get in touch with them through online networking; all of which don't ensure a reaction.

Potential clients taking cover behind a paywall. These exceptional administrations are offered to shoppers for a little expense and present the administration without ads.


The Krios Platform is the eventual fate of advanced advertising. It eases the previously mentioned issues by furnishing organizations with access to a system of capable experts who offer some benefit and collaborations in all parts of an organization's promoting efforts. A stage where organizations of any size can make a full-scale advertising group particular to their task, and after that oversee and arrange the crusade, all at a small amount of the normal expense.
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All exchanges are finished on the Krios stage through the blockchain, with one stage and one expense of 3%.

Krios offers a basic, streamlined process by which an organization sends a demand containing data about their item, spending plan, needs and course of events.

This is altogether made conceivable through KriosCoin ('KRI') which awards clients access to the Krios biological system and takes into account a safe and straightforward technique for affirming and leading the exchanges inside the stage. KRI is an ERC20 standard token on the Ethereum blockchain that can be used as a unit of record between publicists, distributers, content makers and organizations in another blockchain-based, advanced publicizing and administrations stage

Total Token Supply: 650,000,000 KRI
Total Sale Supply:500,000,000 KRI will be available to the public throughout the initial token offering.
Reserve: 150,000,000 KRI have been reserved for the Team, Developers, Founders, Angel Investors & Bounty Campaign participants.
Accepted Contributions: ETH, BTC & USD
Minimum Transaction Amount: 0.04 ETH
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For more details on Krios, visit the following links:
Official Website:
Official Facebook Page:
Twitter Page:

Author's Btt username: msbtrooper

Btt Profile Link:;u=2182082;sa=summary

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.027
BTC 60678.52
ETH 2339.38
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48