An article Removed from CNBC almost instantly speaking of the $43 Trillion missing from Treasury a lawsuit brought to Elitists appointed by Obama or connected to him like Jarrett and Kamala Harris. CNBC Exce's 2 children Heinously murdered within hours

in #krimchildrenmurders5 years ago (edited)

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This is outrageous!

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To hear a report on this while working or doing chores go here,


Now people have All kinds of thoughts on this ranging from. . .those thinking the law firm was attempting to get money and others saying it was a scam.

What stands out to me are some Big Names! Did you catch them?

Eric Holder
Tony West, Assistant Attorney General (brother in law to Kamala Harris)
Kamala Harris CA Attorney General
John Corzine, New Jersey Governor
Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary and Bankster
Timohty Geitner, Treasury Secretary
Vikram Pandit, Resigned and disgraced Chairman of the Board Citigroup
Valerie Jarrett, Senior White House Advisor

  • There are interesting parallels of Valerie Jarrett's father and Joseph Mengele's work in eugencis and agriculture (think of the effects of Monsanto and how not all done with food is actually "helping people").

  • Also interesting to note how Obama gave a speech which mirrors how Mengele and his cohorts felt, that people should not govern themselves.

  • Consider the fact that these elitists like Valerie Jarrett get around and Know how to advance their connections and pocketbook.

Jarrett continued to work in the mayor's office in the 1990s. She was deputy chief of staff for Mayor Richard Daley, during which time (1991) she hired Michelle Robinson, then engaged to Barack Obama, away from a private law firm.

Jarrett was a member of the board of Chicago Stock Exchange (2000–2007, as chairman, 2004–2007).

She was a member of the board of trustees of the University of Chicago Medical Center from 1996 to 2009, becoming vice chairwoman in 2002 and chairwoman in 2006.

Jarrett was one of President Obama's longest serving advisors and confidantes and was "widely tipped for a high-profile position in an Obama administration."

See more on Jarrett's lifetime commitment to the Obama's here,

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Back to the list of "alleged" conspirators,
Anita Dunn, a former Communications Director for the Obama Administration
Robert Bauer, Anita Dunn's husband and legal council for the Obama Administration

Interesting the lawsuit alleges serial violations including the Policy of Embargo against Iran and Countries Hostile to the Foreign Policy of the United States.

Also interesting that not only did Obama give Billions to Iran no one in MSM or Obama's justice dept. really questioned, but also how wealthy each of these co-conspirators (traitors really) are.

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Well, Obama didn't care, he didn't Have to. All Part of his plan to bring down you and me, those of us who are part of the working middle class the upper crust takes pride in looking down their noses upon.

This includes among career politicians, heads of corporations who feign to care, but Don't as long as their way of life is protected and they don't care how many people Beneath them they have to crawl over to Keep their way of life!

Some are claiming the story of the missing 43 Trillion was ran on CNBC's website, then pulled almost instantly and 4 hours later an executive there for digital content has his children murdered by the nanny.

Here's what can be found from 2012,

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This stated in an article from New York Daily News,

The children's mother, Marina Krim, walked into her W. 75th St. apartment about 5:25 p.m. and found a scene of unimaginable horror: her 6-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son lying motionless in a blood-soaked bathtub. Each had multiple stab wounds.

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Krim, who had just arrived home with another child, her 3-year-old daughter, immediately started wailing — her piercing shrieks echoing outside the eight-story building known as La Rochelle.

"I could hear really loud, hysterical screaming — world-class screaming," said an elderly neighbor, who lives down the hall from the Krim family on the second floor. "I didn't want to go out of my apartment."

The neighbor said he eventually opened his door and spotted his super standing outside the family's door.

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"He's also screaming at the top of his lungs," the neighbor said. "He said, 'The kids are dead! The kids are dead! And the nanny has something sticking out of her throat!' "

The children, Lucia and Leo, were pronounced dead at St. Luke's Hospital. The 50-year-old Ortega, who was so close to the Krims that they spent time with her family in the Dominican Republic, was taken to Cornell Medical Center with wounds to her neck and throat. Ortega, who has not yet been charged, was listed in critical but stable condition.

"It's about the worst thing you can hear or imagine," NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said.

Just three hours before she discovered her two kids dead, Marina Krim posted a tender message about little Leo on her blog — "Life with the little Krim kids."

"Leo speaks in the most adorable way possible," reads the 2:33 p.m. post.

The Krims spent several days with Ortega's family in Santiago during a February vacation to the Dominican Republic.

As reported by The Guardian,

Yoselyn Ortega was convicted in April for killing two children in her care in 2012, and a jury rejected the claim she was mentally ill.

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Krim and her husband, Kevin Krim, spoke of how Ortega robbed them of their children and how Ortega’s family and friends helped with this by lying to them about Ortega’s personality and experience as a nanny. Ortega had been recommended by her sister, a nanny for another New York family, and her background and references were faked by her family. The consequences, the Krims said, were horrifying.

During the seven-week trial, jurors grappled with whether Ortega had been too mentally ill to understand what she was doing when she killed the children.

But Judge Gregory Carro referred to Ortega as “pure evil” and said she should spend the rest of her life in prison.

According to the New York Times.

They first heard about Ms. Ortega when her sister Celia Ortega approached Ms. Krim, visibly pregnant, during Lucia’s ballet class at the Jewish Community Center. She said Ms. Ortega was an experienced nanny.

That turned out to be untrue, Mr. Krim said. But Ms. Ortega provided the Krims with a phony reference, a woman who vouched for Ms. Ortega in an emailed letter, giving glowing answers to a long list of questions from the Krims. “The answers we got back were all a lie,” Mr. Krim said. “Every single one.”

Mr. Krim, who has two family members with schizophrenia, said he never saw any signs Ms. Ortega had a mental illness. “Absolutely not, never,” he said.

But Mr. Krim said he knew Ms. Ortega was under financial strain. She had rented a new apartment and had moved her teenage son from the Dominican Republic to New York City, placing him in an expensive private school.

He and his wife offered her extra hours cleaning their apartment. They paid for her to take at least two trips to the Dominican Republic to deal with family emergencies, treating the cost as a bonus of sorts. They employed her son for odd jobs, like walking the dog, and sometimes employed her sister Daisy. They even recommended her to some friends who needed a nanny for a month while they were out of town.

“We knew there was financial pressure and we wanted to find her more ways to make money,” he said. “There was always this theme that I was pushing hard on: ‘Let’s make sure she’s happy, that she wants to keep working for us.’”

This is Interesting from Another NYT's article dated Oct 26, 2012,

Ms. Krim did not work outside the home, but taught an occasional art class at the Museum of Natural History. On Thursday night, CNBC put the Krims up in a hotel.

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The Timing IS interesting as noted by this blog,

Flashback: CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit

According to based on intelihub,

By JG Vibes
October 27, 2012

This week financial news organization CNBC gave some mainstream attention to the largest money laundering and racketeering lawsuit in United States History, in which “Banksters” and their U.S. racketeering partners are being accused of laundering of 43 trillion dollars worth of ill gotten gains.

The lawsuit is said to involve officials located in the highest offices of government and the financial sector.

Since this information was surprisingly revealed by the mainstream news organization there has been a very suspicious and deadly fallout at the CNBC headquarters.

Within hours the original page for the article was taken down, and CNBC senior vice president Kevin Krim received news that his children were killed under very suspicious circumstances.

It seems that the murder happened first and then the page was removed later.

According to mainstream accounts the children’s nanny is responsible for the murders, allegedly stabbing both children.

However, those same mainstream news sources report the highly unlikely story that the nanny slit her own throat just after committing the homicides.

Police have released very little information and although a wider plot has not been officially implicated, it seems very possible that these murders are a show of force against the press organization for releasing such damning information about the most powerful people in the world.

It is expected that all news on this subject will be removed from CNBC, and that other news organizations will be discouraged from covering such information.

However, screen shots of the original CNBC article were taken to verify the authenticity of this story.

Assassination and brute intimidation are common strategies for the ruling class to use on people who may threaten their agenda.

This is the second situation this week in which a high level executive was the victim of a suspicious attack that seemed very much like an assassination.

The Intel Hub just reported that Nicholas Mockford, a 60 year old British executive for the oil company ExxonMobil was shot dead in front of his wife in an assassination-style killing in Brussels.

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According to Fox News,

A British oil executive gunned down in front of his wife in the Belgian capital of Brussels. Helmeted assailants escaping on a motorcycle. No arrests. A driver of a white van who has not been found. A court order for police not to reveal the details.

Was the killing of Nicholas Mockford, a 60-year-old executive for ExxonMobil, the world's largest oil company, a car-jacking gone wrong? A muffed purse-snatching? Or was it a cold-blooded professional hit for reasons yet unknown?

Mockford, a British national living in Belgium, was shot dead on Oct. 14 as he left an Italian restaurant in Neder-over-Heembeek — a village in medieval days that has since been swallowed up by the expanding capital. He died in the street as his wife cradled him in her arms and a neighbor tried to resuscitate him.

What's up with This?

In the beginning, the investigating judge imposed an order on police preventing them from releasing any detail on the case, which police said was not unusual in a serious murder case. As a result, initial news reports were sparse. But on Thursday, authorities switched course and decided to enlist the public's help, releasing a brief description of the crime.

So he was killed 14th of Oct. same year as the Krim Children just 11 days between two Murders during the month of a high holiday for worshippers of evil.

Mockford and his wife, Mary, left Da Marcello restaurant about 10 p.m., the report said. They crossed the street toward their car, identified by news reports as a Lexus.

When they reached the car, an assailant "threatened" Mrs. Mockford, hit her several times in the face, and tried to yank her bag away, police said.

Suddenly, a second assailant fired four shots at Mockford, who died at the scene, according to police.

On Oct. 16, the VTM television channel interviewed a neighbor who asked not to be identified.

"I heard the sound of two, well I don't know, like tack, tack," said the man, whose image was blurred. "I thought that was strange and went outside. I saw a woman lying on the sidewalk across the street. She was shouting 'Help! Help!' There was also a man lying next to a car."

He said after ambulance workers had cut open the man's clothing, he saw the man "had a bullet in his chest and a bullet in his shoulder. There was also blood on his head."

The assailants, who wore motorcycle helmets, initially escaped on foot but were later seen on a motorcycle, the police report said.

Mockford's family is not convinced that the motive was robbery. A British newspaper, the Daily Telegraph, quoted an unnamed relative as saying the family believed the killing had the hallmarks of a professional hit, although they could not imagine a motive.

Looks like CNBC reported the same story as all the rest.

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Here is Kevin Krim's Linkden page,

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This appears to be the same Kent Schoen as you can note the Noe Ventures.

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And Krim gives him a recommendation,

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I can't help but think it is Too much of a coincidence for there to be two different Kent Schoen's as I came across this,

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The one we are seeing on Linkden does indeed have a Lot of financial experience as he is involved in. a great deal of monetization including for Facebook.

For instance,

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Interesting the globalists they are connected to and Wall Street groups though Wall Street named as a culprit in that lawsuit.

All I'm wondering is. . .are both sides of the fence played and When will someone hold these people from the Obama Administration accountable for once, when we Know he took his 8 years Trying to topple the hard working middle class?

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Hmmm, is it really such a good thing to know all your neighbors? Being informed while keeping a good safe distance may be advisable as the Krim family, freinds with Schoen got a recommendation from Their neighbors for the nanny who took the blame for the deaths of these two little children.

Seems like a program that simply feeds more data to the "system" providing more input for people who may Not always have the best interest of others at heart!

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Results in linkden for Noe Ventures,

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So investment management for construction, interesting!

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Construction in Germany,

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And Looksmart where Schoen is listed as Director Engineering and Product management, it is of course global,

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Schoen is endorsed by people like this,

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This Alison Rosenthal who endorsed Schoen was appointed by Obama. So was Schoen a kind of whistleblower to Krimm?

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And just take a Look at her interests! You have Bill Gates and Richard Branson! To major self proclaimed globalists!

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Something Not mentioned on his linkden, but mentioned on here,
[email protected]

Kent Schoen has been General Counsel for Homeownership Preservation Foundation (HPF) since 2013

Prior to this he was with Gradient Financial Group as their First General Counsel.

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Kent received his juris doctor (JD) degree from Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law and holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.

So, is this a 2nd degree and different institution or another Kent Schoen?

I ask because the Kent Schoen from the Linkden profile whent here,

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No he ended up being named on this homeowners preservation foundation a yearAfter the 2012 announcement on CNBC and his friend's children being murdered.

So this is definitley the Krimm's friend as I see this on his facebook,
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For now it appears they are 2 different Kent Schoens as one is clearly connected to Kevin Krimm and the other is connected to the Homeownership Preservation Foundation and is an attorney.

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Back to Mary Krim,
May have been a kindergarten teacher and was known to teach a few art classes during the time of rearing her children.

Mother Of Slain Children: 'You're Evil And You Like This'

Marina Krim, Mother Of Slain Children, Speaks At Killer Nanny's Sentencing


Video inside with family's plea before Nanny's trial


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