Lady N Is A Victim Of The System - Emancipated Human

in #kratom8 years ago

As most of you know, I have been selling Kratom for a few weeks before the DEA sends this beautiful plant to Schedule 1, which means that according to the geniuses of the government, it does not have any healing/medicinal properties, and it is flat out dangerous for us.

One of the people that purchased Kratom from me was a local lady that we will name "N" for safety and anonymity.
N sent me a message asking me to please sell some for pain management because she was trying to get off opiates. I immediately assumed she was fighting an addiction and she needed help from this plant as so many people have throughout the years. I, of course, agreed to do this and we met at the Starbucks near me. She parked and quite honestly I just thought about exchanging the plant for some Federal Reserve Notes and be on my way. Besides, the less I knew about her the better for the two of us, I thought.

When I found her car on the parking lot, I started walking towards her and she approached me, too. She said: "Luis, do you have a minute? Let's sit down for a little while." Immediately I felt uncomfortable. My paranoia made me think of her as a possible sting operation from the DEA or just a plant for similar purposes. I started looking at the people in the adjacent tables as I inconspicuously touched the pistol in my waist to mentally rehearse my possible moves.

What "N" shared with me softened me and very soon I forgot about my many plans to evacuate that I had planned just short minutes before. N told me that she needed to try a different kind of pain management because she had been taking hydrocodone for a while and it started damaging her liver. Her doctor switched her to oxycodone not long ago and it was working better but she still wanted to be free of opiates. She shared that two of her neck vertebrae were herniated as well as some of her lumbar ones. N was in so much constant pain she was using a lot of these dangerous drugs that if you licked her arm you could get high.

I asked her if she had been in a car wreck. After all, it only made sense... She told me she had been a battered wife for four years and her ex-husband beat her up so bad she ended up with all these issues and that's what propelled her to be a walking cocktail of opiates.

As if this were not enough, the piece of shit that was her husband called CPS to tell them she was using her prescription to get high and was abusing it often. As you know from my interview with Carlos Morales, CPS is a draconian institution that only serves the purpose of separating the family unit and discombobulate society.

CPS showed up and took both of her kids. One ended up in central Texas and the other one in a family where the kid was being abused. Because of pain and lack of work she lost her house and lived in her car for a few days. Then she moved in with her parents... Talk about a horrible year for this lady.

When she tried to comply and cooperate with CPS she was told she could not live with her parents and she needed her own place. Are you freaking kidding me?! Living with her parents is probably the best place for her and her kids!!! A house with more family support, more financial security, and an opportunity for N to get back on her feet as she continues to heal... but no, CPS said it was not appropriate. If she wants her kids she needs to be in her own place and be off of opiates... even though they have been legally prescribed to her by a licensed doctor. N told me that the doctor has sent a couple of letters telling CPS that she's in need of these pain killers due to her circumstances but they mean nothing.

N told me this is the main reason why she wants to try something different, something new that will help her break free from opioids and their heavy weigh on society. And once again we see how prohibition tends to hurt the least privileged of society... and as kratom moves towards schedule one, we will continue to see the overreach of a tyrannical government as we lose our natural rights to heal ourselves with nature because they deem it too dangerous for us. If we are not allowed to put something into our body, are we free?

I left Starbucks with a deep sadness and even more anger against the state. Wondering how many people were in the same situation as lady N.

Luis Fernando Mises is a Consultant that teaches Leadership all over the United States, a Yoga instructor, a Meditation teacher, a student of Austrian Economics, a Statesman with the Libertarian Party, a Curandero, an Entrepreneur, and a Family man. He realized his personal mission was to empower others and to be present; and this realization propelled him to create Emancipated Human as a way to bring stories that would help people see the nature of the police state we currently live in, ideas to hack the world, interviews with people that have practical examples, and inspiration to live a freer life.

He is a Free Market Anarchist and is host of Anarchast Español and Emancipated Human and contributes to The Dollar Vigilante as a writer focusing on Dollar Vigilante Groups to help connect freedom-minded individuals on the web.


Kratom is a miracle plant for helping people get off of highly addictive opiates. It's such a shame that the DEA is making this a schedule 1 drug =(

Aaagh. Sometimes I just want to fast forward to a world where there's no state so we don't have to deal with all this complex bureaucratic victimisation.

thank you. yes! im the same way. it seems so fucking troglodyte

What a sad story. There's a lot of natural cures for a lot of ailments that are being suppressed by the tyrants.

You should direct "N" to Karl Lentz. He has a lot of talks up on youtube. He might even personally come help her, as he is known to do. He has a history of getting children back from CPS using the common law court. I have seen almost no one else do this successfully. Great story. Wish her good luck for me.

That's so sad! I feel for people like her. I have talked to a lot of people who fear the day kratom becomes illegal, because they have used it to get off of opiates. The boy they are using as a story (he apparently killed himself while using kratom) was on antidepressants as well, but somehow they don't think that little piece of information is important to share.

i was so pissed when i left. thank you for reading/sharing

We face challenges managing my wife's pain as well, but nothing so intrusive as what N faces. Finding alternatives to the poison they call medication is tough.

thankfully the marijuanas are becoming legal again. have you tried cannabis extract? its pretty good, too.

Not yet. We've discussed it, but I'm still trying to get her over the stigma. Do you have a source you consider most reliable?

we make our own. i need to process the info and post it. it would be a good resource. i use it sometimes when i need to put myself to sleep and cant.

Government doing what it does best.

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