Seven Days Black & White Challenge - Day 4
Nominated by @dj-on-steem / Mar. 3. 2018 (KST)
This is the event representing one's daily life by a bw photo per day for a week.
일주일 간 하루 한 장씩 흑백 이미지로 나의 하루를 표현하는 이벤트에 초대합니다.
Here are the rules:
- 7 black-and-white images that represent an important part of your life
- Present a picture every day for 7 days
- No people
- No explanation
Nominate somebody every day.
I agree with @dj-on-steem. It's up to me. If you want, tell me.- Use the #sevendaybnwchallenge tag as one of your five tags
Day 4.
I want you to nominate me. Just to write #sevendaybnwchallenge as a tag, and that's all? @yeonhage
Sure ^^
And check another rules on this article.
I’ll nominate you next article and hope you enjoy it!
Okay. Tnx :)
우와 이거 사진 잘찍으셨네요! 눈오는 거 맞나요?
컬러일때는 좀 아쉬웠는데 흑백이 더 낫네요 ^^
4일 차군요!! 3일 남았으니 오늘도 화이팅입니다 ㅎㅎㅎ
3일... 사진 고르는게 쉽지는 않네요 ㅎㅎ 감사합니다!