I'll show you the taste of Korea - grilled eel / 한국의 맛을 보여주마-장어구이

in #kr7 years ago


어버이날이 다음주라 부모님을 모시고 나온 가족들이 많았습니다.
There were many family members who came out with their parents on the next day.

처갓집을 찾아 풍천장어를 맛보고자 가성비 좋은 '금단양만' 식당을 찾았지만 너무나 많은 대기인원으로 포기하였습니다.
I tried to find my husband 's house and tried to taste the prawn eel. I searched for a restaurant called' Kim Danyang Bay 'but I gave up on too many waiting people.


정말 모든곳이 손님들로 가득차 있었습니다.
결국 직원이 장어를 구워주는 맛있는 '바다마을'로 발길을 돌렸습니다.
단, 가격이 비싼게 흠이죠.


Everywhere was really filled with guests.
In the end, the staff turned to the delicious 'sea village' where the eel cooks.
However, the price is high.


이곳의 장어구이는 소금구이와 양념구이 두가지 입니다.
2kg을 시켰는데 역시 서울에서 판매하는 장어와 급이 다릅니다.


The grilled eel here is grilled with salt and seasoned
There are two things I do.
2kg, but also different from the eel sold in Seoul.


가게 내부는 역시 장어를 맛보려는 사람들로 가득합니다.
처가식구들과 같이 갔던 자리라 제 아내도 입맛 다시면서 대기중이네요.


The inside of the shop is full of people who want to taste eel too.
I was with my wife's family. My wife wants to eat. She's on standby.


맛있는 장어는 먹기좋은 크기로 잘라 좀 더 구워야 합니다.
직원들의 솜씨에서 전문가의 향기가 나는군요.


Delicious eels should be cut to size to eat better.
It is the smell of the expert from the skill of the staff.


맛있는 장어들은 이제 생강과 마늘을 같이 한 채소에 먹기좋게 쌉니다.
입안 가득하게 느껴지는 고소함에 행복을 부를 시간이 온거죠.


Delicious eel is now good to eat in a vegetable with ginger and garlic.
It 's time for me to be happy with the feeling of being filled with my mouth.


소금구이 장어의 맛이 너무나 훌륭하지만
양념구이를 포기할 수 없어 1kg 추가해봅니다.
The taste of grilled eel is so good
I can not give up grilling the seasoning, I try to add 1kg.


그러나 역시 제대로 된 장어의 깊은 맛은 소금구이입니다.
However, the deep flavor of the right eel is salt grilled.


오늘도 이렇게 맛진 하루를 먹어봅니다.
I'm going to have a delicious day today.



Hello my friend

Almost these seafood dishes are beautiful

That's my friend.
In Korea, eel is famous for its healthy food.
I have eaten a lot of eels today :)

@sochul, Delicious eel!!

@helene nim
Thanks your comment.
Its my pleasure :)

와우, 당신에서 맛있는 음식을 보인다. @sochul

@barvon nim thanks for yor reply :)

Wow! It's really delicious day! I love to eat fish with ginger!

Olga nim
Do you like to eat ginger and food together?
Oh I did not really know.
You would like it too
In Korea, eel is especially eaten with ginger.
Eel is popular in Korea as a healthy food.

Looks Yummy !

@akkha nim
I appreciate you enjoying my pictures.
I wanted to take pictures more delicious, but I am sorry because I can not do that.
I will post a better post next time.

Thank you ! You are best my friend !

^^ you are my best friend too.

Thank you so much ! Lets be in touch . Followed you .

@akkha nim
Thank you for meeting you like this.
It is more fun to follow me there.
I pray that steemit will understand more of each other.

I hope so .

Eel love this fish! Follow me!

@kostiayatsuk nim
Thank you for your comment on my article.
Eel are popular in Korea for high protein foods.
It tastes good.
Is it also in your country?

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