Five amazing quotes by Albert Einstein

in #kr7 years ago (edited)

Albert Einstein, you might know him as the most influential physicist of 20th century, but he was so much more than that. He drastically altered our understanding of how the universe works, through his work. He was named 'Person of the Century' by TIME in 1999, and that's because he was a prodigy, a rare icon whose wisdom and gifts extended far beyond human comprehension and the realm of science to reveal a man with an almost childlike sense of wonder and a profound love of humanity and that's why he was so much more than how the public perceived him. A Legend synonymous with genius and creativity, here are some of his amazing quotes to relish :Screenshot_2017-10-04-20-07-25-1.png
1)'Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.'

How true is this line, so many times people let their opinions and perceptions and sometimes even their feelings be influenced by others, whether it's family, friends or general public. After reading this it'll be easier to understand what 'making up our mind' really means. It's about a sense of clarity and raw authenticity in perception and feeling, not influenced by someone else's reaction.

2)'Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.'

This quote of his highlights a very important fact and that is that we're all meant for something in our lives that is unique to us and therefore it comes to us in a relatively easier way. It's like we're naturally equipped and better suited for some things more than other things. Einstein was a straight out genius when it came to science and mathematics, but he had faced struggle when it came to grammar and had encountered speech challenges. Had he been judged for his apparent flaws, he wouldn't have been regarded as a genius, but since it happened the other way, the correct way, he's recognized as one of the greatest minds to have ever lived on this planet.

3'All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.'

One of the things common among the minds of the greats is that they all understood that ultimately everyone and everything has originated from the same source, the eternal one consciousness. We're all just different facets of that and so are the various arts and sciences. No matter how different we are or no matter how different these disciplines seem, it all comes from that one energetic source, that divine consciousness.

4)'A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.'

There is no one who has never ever made a mistake. You might think of a person right now who didn't make a mistake where you did; well, you don't know all the details of their life, and therefore you don't know where they've made their share of mistakes. It's kinda impossible to try something new and not make a mistake. And there of loads of new things to try, literally loads, which means that yes mistakes are possible while trying or learning something new and it's okay, it's a part of the process towards getting it right.

5)'Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical
endeavors. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations.'

We're all here to make this world a better place in the way that only we can and we must always remember this amidst all the 'work' that we do and the 'accolades' that we garner. What good is all of it if it doesn't contribute in making the world a better place in at least some way ? A man who was so into his work that most of his breakthroughs happened in his leisure time, even he understood this and proclaimed this.


My friend, a kind reminder here.
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