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in #kr2 years ago

Parents have to watch who their kids talk to.

But that's harder than ever now that the whole world can talk to them through their phones.

That endless access could be fueling addictions to social media among generation z.

That's 10 to 25 years old these days.

He wrote Ann a long letter, which she sent back unopened.

The doctor advised John not to smoke and drink, which is the same advice he gives to everyone.

Some teenage girls go on a diet too often, which is not good for their health.

The solar system, to which planets like Earth and Mars belong was formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago.

My mother has three sisters, two of whom are teachers.

We went to Rome, where we saw a lot of ancient ruins.

My teacher lent me two books, neither of which I've read as yet.

I appreciate the participants who are here, some of whom I have met before, some of whom I have not had the honor of meeting.

His grandfather died in 1990, when he was only seven years old.

Talks have broken down in South Korea to end a strike by truck drivers that's beginning to affect the economy and could hit the global supply of semiconductors.

Truck drivers are demanding guarantees over minimum wages to compensate for a rise in fuel prices.

The strike has been going on for a week.


즐거운 날 되세요~~^^


이벤트 참여 고맙습니다~~

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