Joget Batak Song과 함께이 소년은 한국인 아티스트의주의를 훔칩니다.

in #kr7 years ago


In korea:
"1 월에는 언제 끝났습니까?"흠, 이제 당신의 머리 속에는 항상 어떤 질문이 있습니까? 확실하게 당신은 돈을 다 쓰고 다시 월급 날을 기다리고 있습니다. 진정해, 너희 중 많은 사람들이 같은 배에있다. 지불하는 수선을 생각하는 대신 바이러스 성 비디오 인 joget boy를보고 바이러스 성 Batak 노래를 감상하십시오.

이 비디오를 업로드 한 Instagram 계정 중 하나 인이 비디오는 거의 백만 번 보였습니다. 비디오를 업로드하는 것이 인도네시아 사람들, 특히 한국의 소녀 또는 소년 밴드와 사랑에 빠지는 것으로 보이는 사람들에게는 낯선 사람이 아닙니다.
효연은 비디오를 올린 한국 여성입니다. 예, 그의 이름을 들으면 당신은 직접적으로 히스테리 할 것입니다. 시원한 의상을 입은이 아름다운 소녀는 인도네시아의 한인 소녀 밴드, 즉 SNSD의 멤버 중 한 명입니다.

인용구 : http : //

In english:
"In January when did it end?" Hmmm, what the question is now always in your head? Surely you have run out of money and more waiting really time for payday. Calm down, a lot of the same fuck you. Instead of thinking of mending paying you watch viral video joget boy to accompanied Batak song that is viral this.

One of the Instagram accounts that uploaded this video, the video has been seen nearly 1 million times. And it turns out that uploading the video is not a stranger to the people of Indonesia, especially those who claimed to fall in love with girl or boy band from South Korea.
Hyoyeon is a Korean woman who uploaded the video. Yes, hearing his name would be hysterical. The beautiful girl with the cool clothes style is one of the girl band Korean member which is very famous in Indonesia, that is SNSD.

source from: http: //


Woff, woff!

Hello @saidaryary, Nice to meet you!

I'm a guide dog living in KR community. I can see that you want to contribute to KR community and communicate with other Korean Steemians. I really appreciate it and I'd be more than happy to help.

KR tag is used mainly by Koreans, but we give warm welcome to anyone who wish to use it. I'm here to give you some advice so that your post can be viewed by many more Koreans. I'm a guide dog after all and that's what I do!


  • If you're not comfortable to write in Korean, I highly recommend you write your post in English rather than using Google Translate.
    Unfortunately, Google Translate is terrible at translating English into Korean. You may think you wrote in perfect Korean, but what KR Steemians read is gibberish. Sorry, even Koreans can't understand your post written in Google-Translated Korean.
  • So, here's what might happen afterward. Your Google-Translated post might be mistaken as a spam so that whales could downvote your post. Yikes! I hope that wouldn't happen to you.
  • If your post is not relevant to Korea, not even vaguely, but you still use KR tag, Whales could think it as a spam and downvote your post. Double yikes!
  • If your post is somebody else's work(that is, plagiarism), then you'll definitely get downvotes.
  • If you keep abusing tags, you may be considered as a spammer. It may result to put you into the blacklist. Oops!

I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!

Woff, woff! 🐶

thanks for the advice of my friend, I will change the procedure of discussion later, thank you


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