When the Kids Crash Your BBC Interview: That's not the nanny / 로버트 켈리 교수 패러디steemCreated with Sketch.

in #kr8 years ago (edited)

A few days ago, I posted this video.

It was a hilarious clip of professor Robert Kelly being interrupted by his kids during an interview with the BBC.
But this small event sparked a debate about racism.
The reason was after the video went viral some viewers and media assumed Robert Kelly's Korean/Asian wife was his nanny. BBC also wrote about this article called Why did people assume an Asian woman in BBC viral video was the nanny?
Today I found this really funny video on Youtube. But also this video makes me think of 'racism' once again.
Please check the video and have a nice day!

박근혜 대통령의 탄핵 인용 직후, BBC와 부산대학교 교수 로버트 켈리의 인터뷰가 스카이프로 진행되었는데요,
인터뷰중 로버트 교수의 딸과 아들이 서재에 침입 하면서 뒤이어 로버트 켈리의 한국인 부인이 황급히 아이들을 방에서 데려나가는 모습까지 영상에 담기게 되었습니다. 화제를 모은 이 영상이 난데없는 인종차별에 휘말리기도 했었죠.

이유인 즉슨 해외 일부 언론사들이 로버트 켈리의 부인을 '보모' 라고 표현했기 때문입니다. 이를두고 BBC 측은 '왜 많은 사람들과 일부 언론이 켈리 교수의 아내를 보모라고 생각할까?' 라는 제목으로 "인터뷰를 방해한 어린이가 '엄마 왜?'라고 한국어를 구사하는데도 시청자가 김씨를 보모로 판단한 것은 고정관념에 따른 인종차별"이라고 강도높게 지적하기도 했습니다.

하지만 ‘동양인이라서가 아니고 허둥지둥 쩔쩔매는 행동이 엄마라기보다는 보모 같아서 그런 것’ 이라는 그들의 이야기도 틀린말 같지는 않네요. 이와 관련된 재미있는 동영상이 유튜브에 올라왔길래 올려봅니다. 인종차별에 대해서 다시한번 생각하게 하는 계기가 된 것 같네요.


wife/nanny, for some men the only difference is the cost of hiring/firing anyways :D

This is awesome! I also saw that last video you posted and it was hilarious.

I don't think it is malicious "racism" but a case of stereotyping which we all use - it is not confined to British people or Americans.

Everyone does it - it is a case of categorising people based on past experience or culture.

I suppose the question is does it do any harm? - In certain circumstances it certainly might and it can definitely cause embarrassment in today's PC obsessed world.

The actual processes behind stereotyping stem from the fact that we need to take mental shortcuts in order to process information quickly and efficiently.

A lot of times it works and then other times it trips us up.

It is better to classify a tiger as a deadly threat than wait around to find out if it happens to be a friendly tiger.

As long as we stay aware of it (humour is a great way to do that) I don't think it is something we should fear - just an interesting curiosity about human psychology and neurology.


Soul_Eater_43 The Cryptofiend tweeted @ 16 Mar 2017 - 16:02 UTC

When the Kids Crash Your #BBC Interview: That's not the nanny / 로버트 켈리 교수 패러디 — @Steemit

steemit.com/kr/@ramengirl/… / https://t.co/rfq5BF7p4a

#spoof #video #comedy

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I really thought that was the nanny the whole time its very common for Americans to have asian nanny's so just figured that was the case.
But still his wife went full ninja when she noticed they were in there.

Yes, I did actually think she was the nanny and not the mommy,.
Most white expats in high profile work positions use such services because they are cheap enough for them, given the salary they command as foreign experts, and the woman in this case looked completely frazzled, as if she feared that a line had been crossed into disaster territory. The relationship between the man and the woman looked unequal to me: for example, since the woman is his wife, i would have expected less fear being expressed on her part, and maybe a smile on her face (rather than the sheer utter horror that most of us read in her expression). Maybe I felt she looked submissive. Since it's his wife, I suppose the man and woman will have laughed about this afterwards, like we all did when we saw what happened, because it looked genuinely funny.

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