RE: Live streamed : BITCON CRAZY DIP, and I STEEM

in #kr7 years ago (edited)

Korean: 내 최고의 사람을 만나. 그는 Craig Ggrant입니다.**
Spanish: Conoce a alguien que es mi mejor. Él es Craig Grant **

Meet some one who is my best. He is Craig Grant

Korean:나는 크레이그 그랜트 (Craig Grant)의 팬이다. 더 많은 것을하고 싶다면 간단히 따라해라. @craig-grant 그리고 모든 새로운 글을 읽으십시오. 그는 최고입니다.
Spanish:Soy un gran fan de Craig Grant. Si desea hacer más, simplemente siga @ craig-grant y lea todas las nuevas publicaciones. Él es el mejor.

I am a big fan of Craig Grant. If you want to do more, simply follow @ craig-grant and read all the new posts. He is the best.

Post Content Credit @craig-grant

In regards to quality of information, the word fact has no meaning in my life, only the word NOW is relevant, is real.

YEN OMMM.. is my magic money mantra.

Everything has two sides, and I choose the side to give attention.

True = earth is my physical experience of now. False = planet earth is a round ball spinning in space... perfect balance... read more

Craigs facebook @

Craig Grant back story @

YVhXDJ = 3% discount @

Craig's last post

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