PM congratulates Neeraj Chopra for first position in Doha Diamond ...● Indtoday

in #krlast year

In the midnight hours of 03 – 04 May 23, an Indian Air Force C-17 Globemaster aircraft airborne from Hindan, flew through the night to land in the early morning hours at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The aircraft refueled at Jeddah to undertake a nonstop flight from Jeddah, via war-torn Sudan, and back to India. The aircraft took excess fuel from Jeddah to avoid a situation of non-availability of fuel and refueling delays in Sudan. The mission was one of a kind, with the aircraft carrying 192 passengers, mostly ladies, children and elderly persons, who either were NRIs, foreign nationals, or OCIs (Overseas Citizens of India). These people could not be taken to Jeddah and hence were required to be flown directly to India in a nonstop flight by the heavy jet.

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