❤️ Making new friends! 저랑 친구해요! ❤️steemCreated with Sketch.

in #kr7 years ago

The magical thing about Steemit is its ability to unite people from all over the world. A couple days ago, @ramengirl partnered up with me and helped translate one of my posts in Korean. This allowed me to communicate with the Korean community. When I think about it, it makes me smile… REALLY BIG! It feels awesome to be able to connect with other people on the other side of the world. This would not have been possible without such an amazing platform and an amazing friend @ramengirl.


Well, this got me thinking, “why don’t we keep this communication going?” Let’s not just stop at one post; let’s make this a series. I’m so excited to announce, that with @ramengirl’s help, I will be making at least one post a week that will be translated into Korean! Let's stay connected, and let's have a lot of fun together!

What I hope to bring to the Korean community is happiness, inspiration, creativity, my love for acroyoga, crafting and more!

What I hope to gain out of this experience are new friends from Korea. You never know what magic will occur when you make friends that are so different from you. I’ve always enjoyed learning about other people’s cultures, and hopefully with my blogging, we can all learn more about each other.

So my question to the Korean community is, what would you like to see me blog about? Are there any specific topics you would like to hear from me?

Anyways, can’t wait to share my life and passions with you!

Special thanks to @ramengirl for all of her hard work in translating this post! You rock girlfriend!


Korean Translation by @ramengirl!

스팀잇의 놀라운점은 전 세계 사람들을 하나로 모으는 능력입니다. 몇일전 @ramengirl은 저의 파트너가 되어 제 게시물을 번역하는것을 도와주었고, 그로인해 저는 한국 커뮤니티분들과 소통을 할 수 있게 되었습니다. 이걸 생각하면 저절로 미소가 지어져요… 아주 크게요! 지구반대편에 살고있는 사람들과 소통할수 있다는건 정말 기분 좋은 일인것 같아요. 이렇게 좋은 플랫폼과 라멘걸이라는 친구가 없었다면 불가능했겠죠?

그 뒤로, “이런식으로 소통을 계속 해보면 어떨까?” 라는 생각을 하게 되었어요. 한 포스팅에서 그치지 않고 시리즈로 만들어보자. 적어도 한주에 한번쯤은 이렇게 라멘걸의 도움으로 한국어로 포스팅을 올리려고 해요. 여러분! 저와 같이 소통하면서 재미있는 시간을 가져봅시다!

제가 한국 커뮤니티에게 전해드리고 싶은 이야기들은 행복, 영감, 창의력, 아크로요가에 대한 저의 사랑, 크래프팅등 다양하답니다.

제가 이 과정을 통해 얻고 싶은것은 한국분들과의 우정이에요. 나와는 다른 친구를 사귈때 어떤 마법들이 일어날지 결코 알 수 없잖아요. 저는 항상 다른 사람들의 문화를 배우는것이 재미있고, 저의 블로그를 통해 서로에 대해 많이 배웠으면 좋겠어요.

그래서 제가 여러분들에게 드리고 싶은 질문은, 여러분이 보고 싶으신 저의 포스팅이 있나요? 특정한 주제라던지 저에게 듣고 싶으신 것들이 있는지 궁금해요.

어쨋든, 저의 인생과 열정을 여러분들과 빨리 나누고 싶네요.

힘들게 번역해준 라멘걸에게 고맙다고 말해주고 싶습니다.



Cheer Up! 많은 사람들이 이 포스팅에 관심을 갖고 있나봐요!

  • from Clean STEEM activity supporter

Beautiful! thank you for sharing!

Wow... that's a really awesome idea! We have people from all corners of the world here, and what better way to learn more about our global community than to let people hear from those in other cultures... but in their own language!

:) right? Steemit is the perfect platform to do so! So many amazing and special people on here.

Oh so you're a korean!!!! Annyeong from Philippines 🤗🤗🤗. Did you see SongJoongKi and SongHyeKyo in person? Big fan of them #SSC

hahah I'm actually an American with Taiwanese background. The Korean was translated by @ramengirl!

we are friend^^
Hello. How are you doing?
I opened the Seoul Steempark in Korea
I will continue to promote Steemit in the future.

awesome Roy! Will check it out. Love what you did!

Im not korean but I live in korea and also do all of my posts in korean and english. Id like to see some posts about coffee and cafes.... haha I know it's strange. But before i moved here i'd never drank coffee and the only cafe i'd ever been to was a starbucks on my uni campus. But here the cafe culture is crazy!! So many on every corner. Cute cafes, outdoor cafe, tiny ones, etc. and dont even get me started about the dog cafes... goat cafes... lol

Awwwww that's awesome!!! I wish in America we had goat cafes lol! Goats are all so cute. Where are you originally from?

Im originally from texas

oh~! This is very nice attempt!
I hope you make lot of good Korean friend like us :)
If you need any help, please feel free to tell us~!

Awww will do! Thanks for your support! Love the park project you and @roychoi have been working on.

Ok, I'm taking English lessons now, when I'll know it well, I can translate your post into Spanish! And I hope we meet at Steemfest 3. 😍😘😗😙🤗🤗

Omg!!! That would be amazing!! ❤❤❤❤ I would love that.

I hope to bring to the Korean community is happiness

Include a video of you laughing in each of your post. That'll surely help.

hahah :) good idea! :) heheh how have you been?

My life is perfect. They told me to fake it til I make it. Nah more seriously life is good for me. I just would love to find the strength to put on paper what's on my mind these days.

I'm still reading insane amount of stuff and consuming even more insane amount of web content.

I'm celebrating life and trying to be grateful for each moment.

You can hear some of my thoughts on the radio show from this past Saturday. I'm thinking about doing a full hour and possibly more in the future. I also think I could do much better if I really open up.

It starts at 1h7m6s

omgsh!!! I Didn't know you were on a radio show! :) Let me now when you will be talking on the next one, and I'll try to join.

hahah positive attitude and being grateful​ goes a long way. :) Life is just so much better with a good attitude!

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