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RE: 영어 작문 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.(I would appreciate your help in writing English.)

in #kr7 years ago (edited)

제가 영어를 잘하지못하지만 고등학생자녀분의 생각이 경외롭다생각해 조금이나마 도움이 되었으면 하고 작문해봤습니다. 최대한 쓴것을 살리려고 노력했는데 바꾸면 좋을것같으면 바꿔서 작문했습니다. 만약 왜 그렇게 바꾸었는지 궁금하면 [email protected] 으로 물어봐달라고 전해주세요. 세세히 적으려니 너무 시간이 오래걸릴것같아서요..

I’ll talk about my feelings after watching one TED video named ’Listening to shame’. This video tells us to confront ' shame ' instead avoiding it, but it is very tempting to avoid it because if you avoid it, you will not be hurt.
The video made me look back my life in the past. (pause) In the beginning of this video, they argue that it is quite dangerous thinking if you consider vulnerability as a weakness. I was surprised when I saw the scene because I once thought vulnerability was a weakness. And because I thought so, I used not to show my vulnerability to others. I tried to make sure everything was perfect, and I always wanted to look strong. (pause) I felt like I was wearing heavy iron armor. (pause) That was the way I avoided my vulnerability. It protected me, but it made me tired. (pause) I just decided not to be perfect.
Then, I felt relaxed and comfortable whatever I did something because I exposed my vulnerability without hiding it. (pause) Vulnerability and 'shame' are what I am not proud of myself. How can I hide myself and avoid myself?
When I am with them, it will be very helpful when I enter the stadium, called 'life' (pause) I could have this speaking contest right now because I confronted 'shame'. Before I entered the stadium, which is this speaking contest, I told myself it is okay to make mistake, and who is afraid to make mistake, which is me, is having this presentation with my 'shame'. I realized that loving myself was the way to confront 'shame'. Thank you for your attention.


와우 감사합니다. 아마도 딸아이가 1등 먹을지도 모르겠는걸요. 함게 공부하는친구들중에 외국물도먹고한 능력자들이 있어서 많이 위축되어 있던데....
덕분에 아주 자신감을 찾을듯 싶습니다.
열심히 해서 1등 먹어보라고 충동질신공 시전해봐야겠습니다.

영어는 지금도 훌륭하다고 생각합니다. 거기다가 영어의 능력보다 안의 컨텐츠가 더 중요하다고 믿는데 그부분에서 칭찬받아도 된다고 생각합니다. 1등안하면 어떤가요 ㅎㅎ

그렇죠. 매우 감사합니다.


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