Steemian Storybook No.7 : You, never give up!

in #kr8 years ago (edited)

In 2002, BBC carried out a survey to one million British in order to select '100 Greatest Britons.' The result was surprising. The most Greatest Briton was not a Isaac Newton or William Shakespeare. It was Winston Churchill. His speeches were already famous in Britain, because of his encouraging and moving voice. There was one famous saying that impressed not only Briton but also the world. In Harrow school commencement speech, Winston Churchill was just got on the podium, and said in a low voice: You, never give up! And several minutes after, he spoke again loudly: You, never give up! He said nothing and finally yelled: YOU, NEVER GIVE UP! After the third word, Winston Churchill went down the podium.
Winston Churchill, he said the young Briton who was dream of Britain, hope of Britain, and the future of Britain not to give up. It was moving to the dreaming but also scared at entering into society young Briton. When Winston Churchill said 'You, never give up!', it was during World War 2 and the Britain was bom-bared by the Nazis Luftwaffe. Winston Churchill promised to Briton that Britain might never give up and fight against the Nazis to the death. Thanks to their will, Allies finally won the World War 2. In the Harrow School commencement speech, as the audience and the alumnus knew what the 'You, never give up!' means, they gave standing ovation.

Steemian, we know well Winston Churchill's achievements as the prime minister. However, he was same with us. As our life was full of challenge, his life was also full of challenges. Not good at school works, Winston Churchill had been the last in school days. He matriculated the Roval Military Academy after failing two times. Winston Churchill never left himself the failure. He overcame failure and made constant efforts. Being Elected the Prime Minister, in 1940, during the World War 2, Winston Churchill defeated the Nazis and made the Allies won the World War 2.

I think Steemit said us 'You, never give up!' The young had forgave their dreams for employment. Millions of people had to word all day long only for a meal. Steemit can make human live human. Steemit could make people live for their dream. There are millions of people could live a day by only 1 steemdollar. Steemit surpass Winston Churchill saying: You, never give up! What Winston Churchill said give us hope and courage. Bur Steemit gives us specific platform to solve the problem.
Steemian, do you really think @dantheman and @ned make the Steemit? Steemit is made by you! You are the Steemit. And you can surpass Winston Churchill. By your vote, millions of people's dreams come true and could live a day.
Steemian, you are the STEEMIT!


Yes we never give up until going to the moon

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