만년실버 강쥐사범의 League of Legends 탑 리븐 리뷰 #6 (All last years silver Puppy Master's Top Riven Review #6)

in #kr7 years ago (edited)

안녕하십니까. 강쥐 사범 입니다.

이번엔 제가 좀 못하긴 하지만 즐거움을 위해 탑 리븐 플레이를 해 보았습니다.
언제나 그랬듯이 즐겁게 봐 주세요.

Hello. It is a Puppy Master.

This time I did not play a little but I played Top Riven for fun.
Please enjoy it as always.

I. 흠..죽을뻔 했구만..!

초반에 상대방 탑과의 딜교에서 많은 손해를 보았어요. 그래서 저희 정글의 갱이 있었습니다. 좀 위험하긴 했지만 저희 정글이 상대 탑을 잡아주어 저도 살았어요.

Hmm ... I almost died!

In the early days, I saw a lot of damage to the opponent 's top. So there was a gang of our jungle. It was dangerous, but my jungle killed the opponent top and I lived.

II. 미드야...맵리딩 좀 해 ㅠㅠ

상대 레드쪽 정글에서 싸움이 벌어졌는데 저희 미드가 백업을 오질 않네요. 그래서 다 이길걸 비등하게 마무리를 짓게 되었습니다.

II. Hey Mid ... Read the map.

There is a fight in the opponent's red jungle, but my mid does not come back up. So I got to finish the boil up to win.

III. 드디어 미드가 합류를 했어!!

이번엔 저희 블루쪽에서 싸움이 벌어졌는데요. 이번엔 저희 원딜의 궁극기와 저희 미드의 백업이 있어서 싸움을 이겼습니다. ^^

III. Mid finally joined!

This time we have a fight on the blue side. This time, we have won the battle because we have the ultimate weapon and our backup of Meid. ^^

IV. 딜교 이득! 킬 이득!

탑에서 딜교가 끝나자 저희 정글이 갱을 왔어요. 그래서 상대 탑을 잡아냈죠.

IV. deal and kill !!

After the deal was finished at the top, our jungle came to the gangked. So I killed my opponent's top.

V. 너 따위는 내 상대가 아니여~

탑 1차타워를 파괴한 후 2차타워를 압박하던 중 킬각이 나오기에 상대 탑을 손쉽게 잡아냈습니다.

V. You are not my opponent ~

After destroying the Top 1st tower, while pressing the 2nd tower, the top was easily caught because of the kill chance.

VI. 거 참 너무들 하시네...

이번에도 상대 탑 2차타워를 압박을 하던 중 싸움이 일어났는데요. 저의 실수가 있어 패하게 되었습니다..

VI. You're so bad ...

This time I was fighting against opponent top 2nd tower. I made a mistake and lost.

VII. 아주 깔끔하고만~

계속해서 상대 2차타워 압박을 하는데 저희 서포터가 로밍을 와 주었군요. 이번엔 실수없이 상대 정글을 잡아내었습니다.

VII. It's very simple.

Continue to oppress the opponent's second tower and our supporter came roaming. This time I grabbed my opponent's jungle without making a mistake

VIII. 아 손 꼬였어...

상대 미드 억제기 포탑앞에서 한타가 벌어졌는데요. 제가 이번에도 실수가 있었지만 더블 킬을 따내고 죽었습니다..

VIII. I was so hard ...

I was hurt in front of the opponent's mid turret. I made a mistake this time, but I died after I took the Double Kill.

IX. 실수는 많지만 게임은 이겼군 허허..

제가 실수는 많았지만 저희 팀원들이 잘해주어 넥서스까지 손쉽게 밀 수 있었습니다. 그리하여 승리를 거두었죠.

IX. There are a lot of mistakes, but the game has won.

I made a lot of mistakes, but my team members did well and I was able to push the nexus easily. And so we won.

제가 왜 만년실버인지 이번 기회에 알게되었습니다..허허..그래도 즐거웠으니 됐죠~ㅎㅎ
만약 저와 함께하고픈 분들은 'Iamrengarmaster' 로 친추 주세요!

_ I know why I am all last years silver.
If you would like to join me, please add to a friend the 'Iamrengarmaster'!

@gamewarrior alt text


hi guys awesome @gamewarrior
nice too mett you i am from morocco love that gaming style
video are awesome do you do with other games ?
do you know elite dangerous ?do you recomend it ?
i have also a problem with wndos 10 nstallng game if you have any tips i take it
looking forward i follow you up see you around

how about down grade in windows 7 ?
let me know about your country.. i havn't any idea about morocco
what is famous internet game in your country ?? and i don't know elite....

elite dangerous is open space in the space you have totally the univers do you know eve online its look alike but much much more better we can attack ships and also conquer planet with a counter strike mode look alike with buggy i will put a link if you look atit , so in morocco mostly we like modernwarfare and stuff like this the comunty is becomming bigger every day i will do a post about its a good idea i follow you up so we keep in touch about that post so you will know morocco gaming a little see you friend

sadly we dont have no more widos 7 i use 10 but i will comeback soon to 7 i cant play games on my laptop

평캔만 잘한다면..ㅎㅎ저는 탑티모 유저 ㅎㅎ....
티모의 인식이 좋지않죠

그쵸 ㅋㅋㅋ 티모는 정말 짜증나는 캐릭터이죠..
저는 정글리신 유저라 다른 캐릭터는 잘하진 않습니다. ^^

ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 다음에 기회되면 듀오한번 해요~
팔로우 하고갑니다

아하하 감사합니다.
저는 대부분 시간이 많으니 언제든 댓글로 알려주세요~
가능하시다면 지금이나 나중에도 가능해요~^^

I love league of legends, I'm currently playing rocket league, do you play?

you mean, you operate the League of Legends league?

Oh no. Rocket league the game.

What is that ? is that a name of game ??

Yes it's amazing

Oh i see, but i don't know about that...

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