
It is from just my curiosity.
And hope to know other religions too, if it is not against Islamic teaching or law and it is not too hard to know.

If there is something against such curiosity or comparison or whatever you are reluctant in your belief, please feel free to let me know it, or you don't need to answer.

Just in case, is it against religious teaching or law to just talk about your religion with some non-believers or other religion believers?
If yes, please let me know about it.
I don't intend to violate anybody's region.

The Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims that Allah revealed to Muhammad through the mediation of the Archangel Gabriel. The Qur'an literally means reading. Yet even though it sounds referring to a book / book, the ummah of Islam refers to the Qur'an itself more on words or sentences in it, not on its physical form as a printout.
Muslims believe that the Qur'an is delivered to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. The decline itself occurred gradually between the years 610 until the death of 632 AD Although the Qur'an is more transferred through rote, but in addition to many followers of Islam at the time who wrote it on bones, stones and leaves.
Muslims believe that the Qur'an that exists today is exactly the same as that conveyed to Muhammad, then delivered again to his followers, who then memorize and write the contents of the Qur'an. In general the scholars agree that the current version of the Qur'an was first compiled on the masakekhalifahan of Uthman ibn Affan (3rd Islamic Caliph) ranging from 650 to 656 M. Uthman bin Affan then sent a duplicate of this compilation version to all over the power of Islam at that time and ordered that all other versions be annihilated for uniformity.
The Qur'an has 114 suras, and a total of 6,236 verses (there are differences depending on the way of counting). [23] Almost all Muslims memorize at least some parts of the whole Qur'an, those who memorize the whole Qur'an are known as hafiz (plural: huffaz). This achievement is not rare, it is believed that there are millions of Qur'an recipients around the world. In Indonesia there is a race Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an is a recitation contest the Qur'an with tartil or good and true. The recited is called Qari (male) or Qariah (female).
Muslims also believe that the Qur'an is only Arabic. The translation of the Qur'an to various languages ​​does not constitute the Qur'an itself. Therefore the translation has only a position as a commentary on the Qur'an or form of effort to seek the meaning of the Qur'an, but not the Qur'an itself.
Prophet Muhammad SAW
Muhammad (570-632 AD) is the last prophet in Islamic teachings where acknowledging his prophethood is one of the conditions to be called a Muslim (see shahada). In Islam Muhammad is not positioned as a carrier of new teachings, but is the cover of a series of previously revealed prophets.
Regardless of his high status as a Prophet, Muhammad in the view of Islam is an ordinary human being. Yet every word and behavior in his life is believed to be the ideal form of a Muslim. Therefore in Islam is known the term hadith ie collection of sayings (words), deeds, decrees and approval of Muhammad. The hadith is the second major text (source of law) of Islam after the Qur'an.

Thank you very much for your kind explanations.

I read all of your comments.
I learned to know something about Islam and Qur'an, for the first time in my life, thanks to your kindenss and efforts.

I will try to vote your this comment after my steem power is recovered.

Now I understand that Arabic saying or sentence is Qur'an and translation is not Qur'an, but if there is your recommending English translation, please let me know the link or pdf so that someone who don't understand Arabic can start to read just for curiosity, at this time not to become a believer.


I heard two divisions of Muslims are fighting, Sunnih ? and Siah ?
Do they believe in the same Qur'an or not ?


One more question.

In my English-Korean dictionary, there is Koran, not Qur'an or Quran.

Do you happen to know the difference between Koran, Qur'an ?

Sunni and Shia Islam are the two great schools of Islam. ... Sunni as adherents of the first teachings of Islam regard the teachings of Shias deviate from what Muhammad taught, on the contrary Shia considers their teachings are true.
yes to the two schools it believes in the same holy book of God.

Differences views and flow in Islam, has occurred since the time of the Prophet died first. Since Rasulullah died, Islam became a lot of camps and groups that make each have their own congregation. One is the Sunni and Shia.

Sunnis and Shiites were born from the various interests and politics that took place in the time of Ali Bin Abi Talib and his followers who are increasingly growing and becoming far from the original foundation. To that end, this Islamic understanding became widespread to the various sectors and thoughts that gave birth to certain sects.

Including in Indonesia, Sunni and Shia Issues are becoming quite a conflicting issue. Even lead to problems in the village or community and citizens who do not support it. This distinction gave birth to a sharp journey between Sunni Islam and Shi'ite Islam, although not in all countries it happened.
if there is any question pertaining to Islam.
do not hesitate to hesitate to ask me ..
if I can be God willing I will answer.
thanks @steamsteem

I have waited for my steem power to recover before I vote you at my full power in order to show my full gratitude to your kind and long comments about Islam.

But I am flooded with too many good posts and comments to vote, and I realized that it is stupid to wait for my steem power to recover in order to vote your good writings. I may miss the 7 days limit for your writings.

So, regardless of my steem power recovery, I decided to vote at my judgement at the situation.

Thank you for your kind wrtings, @azhari07.

I will read your writings again with enough time and I may come to you to ask more. Thanks.

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