[태국에서 살기] 동양의 이비자 코팡안(Koh Phangan) 이야기 (Full Party in Koh Phangan with English Translation)

in #kr-newbie7 years ago (edited)

출처: google image

오늘 소개할 내용은 태국 남부에 위치한 아름다운섬 꼬 팡안이라는 섬입니다.
태국말로 꼬(Koh는 섬이라는 말이고) 팡안이 이름인데요. 꼬 팡안은 팡안 섬입니다.
코사무이 코사멧 등도 사멧섬, 사무이섬 이라고 보시면 됩니다^^.
I'd love to introduce Koh Phangan island which is located in the southern Thailand in the Gulf of Thailand.
In Thai, Koh means the island and the following is the name. If you have heard about Koh Samet or Koh Samui, now you could understand what is the real name of the islands.

ⓒ 구글 맵스 캡처

구글 사진에 보이는 빨간색으로 포인팅 된 곳이 꼬팡안인데요. 방콕에서 이동하기 매우 간단하답니다.
The red dot is where koh Phangan is located. It seems far away from Bangkok but it is actually very simple.

  1. 야간버스 (Night Bus)
    카오산로드에서 코팡안으로 가는 야간버스를 구매하고 탑승하시면 아침이 될때쯤 선착장에 도착합니다.
    선착장에 도착하시면 배를 타고 섬으로 이동하시면 됩니다.
    일반적으로 버스가격에 배 가격까지 포함되어있고 가격은 약 2만~2만 5천원입니다. 소요시간은 약 12시간입니다.
    you could buy the bus ticket from Kaosan road. They have the night bus every day. When you wake up, you will be already near the islands and you could reach to the islands with the ferry. The bus ticket normally includes the ferry as well. The price of the ticket is around $20~$25 and it takes around 12 hours.

  2. 비행기 (Airplane)
    에어아시아나 태국의 저가항공사가 운행을 하는데요. 꼬 팡안까지 운행하는 비행편은 매우 적으며 가격이 비쌉니다.
    그래서 일반적으로 수랏타니 또는 나콘시타마랏이라는 곳에가서 연계된 버스를 타고 선착장을 이동 후 섬으로 이동하는 방법이 많은 여행객들이 선호하는 루트인데요. 섬까지 가는 소요시간이 적고 가격또한 그리 비싸지 않습니다.
    가격은 왕복기준 약 8만원정도입니다.
    There are a number of LCC such as Airasia or Nok air where they have routes to the island. However, if you want to reach to the island directly from Bangkok, it will be very costly so I do recommend you to buy a ticket to either Surat Thani or Nakon Sitammarat and transfer to the van to the pier to take ferry and reach to the islands. Normally the airline companies have package. You can simply buy it. It is not that expensive and you could save your time. The price will be $80 for the round ticket.

자 그럼 섬을 한번 둘러보실까요?
Lets see the islands. For more pictures, you could just scroll-down.

섬은 제주도보다 훨씬 작은 사이즈 입니다. 저는 오토바이를 빌려 이동을 했었구요 별도의 대중교통은 없고 썽태우라는 픽업트럭을 이용하면 섬 곳곳을 갈 수 있습니다. 하지만 가격이 저렴하지 않구요. 한번 이용시 약 5000원의 비용이 소비되므로 오토바이 운전을 하실 수 있는분이라면 오토바이를 추천해 드립니다. (단 안전운전하시고 오토바이 빌리실때 오토바이에 까진부분이나 하자가 있는 부분을 미리 사진을 찍어두어야 스캠을 방지하실 수 있습니다)
The island is much smaller than Jeju island. I rent a motorcycle so as to save money. The island does not have any particular transportation but a pickup truck called song-taew. However, it is very costly that you should pay around $5 every time you take the pickup bus. Therefore, if you could ride a bike, I do recommend you to have a rent. (But! you should drive safely and CHECK OUT ALL SCRATCHED or DAMAGED part and take a picture before riding just in order to prevent such scams from the shops)

섬 곳곳에 아름다운 해변이 있고, 해변을 따라 호스텔, 호텔, 리조트가 있습니다.
저는 배낭여행을 좋아해 보통 호스텔에서 머무는데요. 하루 숙박비는 약 5천원~만원 이었습니다.
물론 도미토리기준이구요, 전 비수기당시 이용해서 정말 조용한 섬에서 잘 쉬다 온 것 같습니다.
Every edges of the islands are the beautiful beaches. And along the beaches, you could meet hostel, hotel, or resort.
Since I am always a backpackers, I stayed in hostels. The price for a night was around $5~$10 for dormitory. I went to the islands during the low seasons since it was not for the day of full moon party. The islands was very quite and I could relax very well.

제가 당시 5천원 주고 머물렀던 호스텔의 문을 열고 나오면 이런 수영장이 있고, 수영장 바로 앞엔 해변이 있습니다.
This is the picture of swimming pool where I stayed paying $5. If you literally open the door of your dormitory, you could reach to the swimming pool. and the ahead of the swimming pool is the authentic, natural and beautiful beach.

이건 다른 호스텔이었는데요 정말 힐링 여행이었죠.
This is another hostel and as you can see, it was a healing, indeed.

여행 다녀온지 조금 지났고 핸드폰을 바꾸는 바람에 사진들이 많이 없네요.
근데 정말 한번쯤 꼭 가야할 곳입니다!
It has been a while and since I have changed my phone, I dont have many pictures from the islands now on my hands.
But, I really do recommend you to go to the islands.

꼬 팡안섬의 풀문파티는 동양의 이비자라고 불리오며, 매달 보름달이 뜨는 날에 열리는 파티입니다.
전체 해변이 파티장이라고 생각하면 되는데 서양인들에게 더 유명한 파티입니다.
요즘은 조금씩 알려져서 한국분들도 조금씩 가고 있는데 아직까지 진흙속에 진주라고 표현해야 할까요?
인생에 한번쯤은 꼭 가봐야한다고 생각합니다
Koh Phangan is the Orient' Ibiza and they have full moon party every month on the full moon day.
When they have the full moon party, the particular beach is the party stage. It is very popular among westerners rather than Asians. Now that some Koreans are going there but there are still very few. You must go there once in your life.

풀문파티가 아니더라도 하프문 블랙문 등의 여러가지 파티가 있는데요. 아무래도 풀문파티보다 규모는 작을 수 있지만, 낮엔 조용히 휴양하시다가 밤에 잠깐 춤추고 오시는 것을 추천해드립니다.
풀문파티를 할때는 항상 성수기라 섬 곳곳에 발딪을 틈이 없으니. 휴양이나 휴가를 원하신분들은 비수기를 강추드립니다!
Other than full moon party, the islands always have party such as black moon or half moon party. Even though the rest of the party are much smaller than the full moon, you could still have party in the islands during the low season. You can have relax and vacant during the day time and reach to the party at night.

더 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 언제든지 코멘트 달아주세요^^
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to comment so i could answer you!

Sorry that the picture has been deleted for the copyright issue. I will be more practical to take pictures from my daily life and will upload it with you. Sorry for any inconvenience and for not having many pictures in the post.
사진은 저작권 문제가 걱정되어 삭제합니다. 앞으로는 제가 직접 찍은 사진을 위주로 포스팅을 할 예정입니다.


Cheer Up!

  • from Clean STEEM activity supporter

5000원 호스텔 대충격!ㅎㅎ
동양의 이비자라니!
안그래도 친구들과 이비자 가자는 말을 종종하는데
태국으로 가야겠군요 ㅎㅎ

파티를 좋아하시면 한번쯤 가보시는 걸 추천해드립니다! :)

Wow, all these sceneries are great. It's a paradise for those who love swimming, diving and travelling. Despite the fact that it takes you 12 hours to go there, but it's worth it. And also I though that it would be more exprensive to travel there/ You know, my dream is to visit koh Phangan . Thank you for your post :) It is so informative.

If you are really planning and have any questions, you can just comment here again:) I do recommend anyone who loves travelling and ocean to visit there. They have everything you need and as you may know, Southeast Asian countries are not very expensive to travel despite the local people say that it is expensive. It is worth to try!

The water looks so clear and it seems like a wonderful place to relax and spend the holiday! Thanks for sharing😁

I'd love to share some beautiful spots where people must visit to! hope you could be there once and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment here :)

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My friend, a kind reminder here.
#cn tag is stand for Chinese.
However, no Chinese was detected in this article.
Please use wisely for your tag,thank you

Thanks for your reminder. I just deleted the #cn tag

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