와일드 스파크 베타오픈[유사 플랫폼] WildSpark Beta opened [steemit alike]

in #kr-information7 years ago

베타 오픈한지는 이미 3일정도 지났습니다. 테스트 해보기 위하여 저도 early request를 신청해놨지만

아직 저에게는 초대장이 오질 않네요.

WildSpark is Synereo’s first stab at democratizing the flow of value online – shifting the balance of power toward content creators and curators, and away from the platforms that host the content.

As promised, we are shipping the Beta with all the core features needed to start rewarding your favorite content creators with cryptocurrency, as well as being rewarded for curating and spreading high quality content to others. -from synereo blog-

예전에 포스팅 하였듯이 와일드 스파크는 스팀잇과 유사한 컨텐츠 플랫폼이며, 보상으로 추천인과 작성자에게 AMP 코인을 지급해줍니다.

WildSpark is the first product of its kind and so we’ve made conscious decisions with regards to what makes it into the Beta and what features are to be added in the upcoming version(s). There is no playbook to copy here and it’s our job to be build it responsibly from the ground up – adding feature by feature, experimenting, and refining the product until it works for everyone.

We are aware that there are many questions to be answered, and more questions will appear as the product lands in the hands of users. In the upcoming week, we will be releasing detailed information about the AMP attribution formula and flow of value as well as discuss the immediate product roadmap and the added features you’ll soon get to play with. -from synereo blog-

현재 초대장이 주어진 인원들에게만 베타버전을 오픈한 듯하며, 유저들의 피드백을 받은후 상위버전으로 출시할 듯합니다.

What you should expect:

A Google Chrome extension that supports YouTube.
Free AMPs to test-drive the product. Amplify your favorite videos, reward your favorite creators, share links with others who may appreciate it.
Gradual onboarding. With thousands signed up for early access, our plan is to invite users on a daily basis, as we gather feedback about the product. -from synereo blog

매일 일정인원만 받고 있으니 미리 신청해 놓아도 나쁘지 않을 것 같습니다.

바빠서 두개 다 하진 못하겠지만, 어느쪽이든 양질의 서비스가 좋은곳으로 옮기겠지요~?



저도 기대가되는 사이트네요 한번 해보시고 이용후기 올려주세요 ^^

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