Two Korea in the Historical Consensus on the Way to Peace

in #korea6 years ago

Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Mon J-in announced that they will work together to free the Korean Peninsula from nuclear weapons.

At the same time, the commitment to work with the United States and China to sign a peace treaty with the closing of the arms clash this year has come from two leaders.

Kim and Mona's joint announcement came after a historic meeting on Friday in Panamunj, the border village of the two countries, international media reports said.

The BBC's news report said that there was no detailed announcement on how the Korean peninsula would be released from nuclear weapons.

What's more in the joint declaration

Two Koreas attack themselves or close military activities

Turning off the war and turning the two countries' demilitarized zone into a peace zone

To reduce the instability of the Korean Peninsula, reduce the weapons

Arrangement of reconciliation of families separated from two countries due to war

Development of road and rail communication system on the border

Participation in various sports tournaments, including upcoming Asian games

Although joint leaders have pledged to declare the Korean peninsula free of nuclear weapons, the two leaders have not spoken openly about the closure of North Korean nuclear weapons program.

But to achieve the goal of disarmament, the two countries have agreed to actively agree on the joint declaration about the international community's support and cooperation.

China praised both the leaders' courage and political determination of the leaders. In a statement from the Foreign Ministry of China, it said that they hope that this trend of progress will continue, as they expect it to continue.

US President Donald Trump welcomes the initiative of the two leaders. He commented in a tweet saying "Good thing is happening".

How is the formation of the top meeting and other formalities

On Friday morning, a meeting was held in Panamunj, a bordering civilian region of Korea.

Kim Jong-un shakes hands with South Korean President Moon Je-in. Later, two leaders attended the Peace House in Panamunjam.

After reaching the military lines of the two countries, the leader of the South leader Moon welcomed him after crossing the country's long distances, tension and tension of tension.

On an urgent invocation of Kim, Moon passed the boundary on the northern ground.

After shaking hands, Kim moved to the southern border and again brought him south to President Mune. The Guardian of Honor greeted the leader of the Northern Command.

After the end of the Korean War in 1953, this is the first South Korean top leader to head south.

After the first round meeting, the two leaders went to the intersection and Kim returned to the north by driving a limousine through a tough watch.

After coming back again in the afternoon, two leaders planted a tree as a symbol of peace on the border. The soil of the two countries is planted by planting it on its roots and water of both the countries.

Then a sign is written on the stone as the name of both the leaders and the message 'Planting Peace and Prosperity'.

Then North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Mon J-In Sartane took part in the banquet made. Every meal of the meal was symbolic in the feast. No food comes from the leaders of their own; The source was a civilian area, where the two sides sat in the meeting.

Kim returned to North Korea after festivities and after festering his hand in the car.

Why is the summit important?

This is the first meeting between the two Korean leaders after more than a decade. The meeting saw the possibility of peace in the Korean Peninsula.

Moreover, it is the first time to take part in such meetings for the leader of the North, Kim.

On the inauguration of the two-country summit in warm and warm atmosphere, Kim expressed his hope for the possibility of open discussions to proceed with peace.

He said that he started his journey with Moon, from a point where "a new history of peace, prosperity and intracurial relations will be written".

The White House has become optimistic that the peace talks will be created before the meeting of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un with US President Donald Trump in the days ahead of the meeting of two Korean leaders.

In the way of the historic meeting, these are two Korea

Nobody could have imagined that there would be a historic meeting of South Korean leaders with a nuclear-armed and missile test being executed one after the other in 2016-17.

But in January, when the northern leader Kim expressed his desire to openly open the dialogue with South Korea, the possibility of reconciliation between the two parties wakes up.

In the next month, at the Winter Olympics, two Korea's athletes made a walk on a flag.

Seoul warns that Pyongyang will be difficult to negotiate to avoid nuclear weapons, but Kim still said last week that he has suspended the nuclear weapons test.

The idea of ​​Chinese experts has been ineligible for use of stones due to stone collapse in the North Korean arms test site.

However, the leader of the North, who showed renewed desire to move towards a new diplomatic path, turned the situation around.

In March he had a meeting with senior South Korean officials. And then Kim announced that he would like to meet with US President Donald Trump.

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