Komodo Blockchain Development and Security AMA + Telegram Chat

in #komodo6 years ago

Komodo has great potential. Not many people are noticing these hidden gems. Just a few hours ago The Development and Security team led by CA333 (Most of the Komodo team stays anonymous) finished their AMA and there were many important questions and answers. I'll drop an example below:

2 Factor Authentication

"A 2FA key is always linked to a specific dataset (usually unique userdata stored in a centralized database of the centralized service/app you want to log in) - it does provide an additional security layer for centralized systems. The big question here - what happens if the attacker gains your login-creditentials but NOT your 2FA? The attacker cant log in.
Ok now lets look at Agama. Agama is based on decentralized technology and doesnt store any userdata/login-creds in a centralized system. The only login data is your privatekey or Agama Seed. Now lets say we implement 2FA onto Agama (which we actually could do regardless of the sense) - what would happen if someone gathers your Seed/privkey but NOT the 2FA? The attacker will be able to fully clear your wallets and rob you 100%. In this case the traditional 2FA wouldnt help at all - it wouldnt add any additional security layer.
One option to do this would be some sort of new dynamic blockchainbased-2FA - this is something that wasnt invented yet but its fully practical and possible to implement from a technical point of view. So in this case you d for example need to invent a new 2FA derivation path algorithm that is taking as input only one single private-key - and it would deliver a new dynamic key (=2FA key) each N blocks or seconds based on this privkey. Based on an initial timestamp this new 2FA-derivation-path algorithm would always know which 2FA-key to show you - and any application/wallet could use the same data to verify the key. This would work pretty well as the worlds first native blockchainbased 2FA technology. Of course you d need to pack it into a secure chip that is utlizing this algorithm - and there you go.
We, the Komodo Platform coreteam, are offering a bounty of 25.000 USD + a fulltime job offer for the successfull implementation of the above described technology on top of Komodo. (functional prototype fullfills the reqs)"

In case you are a talented programmer, I posted the answer than contained a job opportunity + 25.000 USD. You are welcome! Full AMA is at: https://www.reddit.com/r/komodoplatform/comments/95vikx/ama_monday_13th_august_with_our_development_and

A Great Conversation on Telegram

jl777: as far as if KMD will survive this bear market, I am confident KMD will survive the next bear market and even the one after that. We have funding for 10+ years of dPoW and while we do have end user deliverables, that is a very expensive marketing wise for customer acquisition. Our focus on enabling technologies allows us to run much leaner on the marketing side. and in any case, we don’t have millions of dollars to be throwing about left and right for paid placements and listings like many of the other projects do. It will take longer, but as more people learn about KMD, the mentions we will get will be based on KMD attributes and not due to paid placements.

You can read more great stuff at: https://www.reddit.com/r/komodoplatform/comments/961gqr/jl777_informal_telegram_chat_9aug18_topics

You'll Find a Great Deal of Technical Information at https://dexstats.info


I did put in a few bucks in the last dip! Thats thanks to you by the way (I think you need a disclaimer but Im not one of the people you need to worry about ;p)

I struggle to keep up, heck, I can't even keep up with your blog! I think I have lost a few coins (erc20) because I couldn't pay enough attention, and thats not even including airdrops. One basically needs to spend all day doing this, and that's where you come in!

I'm such a small potatoes 'investor', but it brings me such joy to be able to invest 10-20 dollars in some of these projects! I do try to keep up with Teeka's advice too, and I think I've seen you laugh about him but you two are similar in that you focus all your time and energy on this stuff.

But what I do all day is try to advance my skills, which are a little bit different. I really enjoyed the piece on education, I was told all my life that I was smart, always voted smartest at my school, and ended up dropping out of college and running off to South America!

Anyways, I might leave a few more comments as I work my way through some of your newer blogs, but I'm building a webtool right now, getting back into utopian, teaching my self some key skills, so I'll be back focusing on the computer for presumably a few months again. But surely I will run off sooner or later :)

Teeka Tiwari is kind of a Tai Lopez in my opinion. He tries to appeal too much to a traditional group (which is good from a business perspective as he is selling for the investment newsletter community) but he is not very bold with his investment calls and I also think he is too slow to realize the potential in certain projects. For an example (AFAIK) he recommended ZenCash some months before he recommended Dash. He also put too much emphasis on BTC which is practically a museum piece.

I do have a lot of respect for him for recommending NEO while it was Antshares which was also t very first Chinese project that seriously caught my attention. But for each great moment thee are few very unimpressive moves like asking people to sell their BCH right after the fork. I'm not subscribed to the newsletter but from what I've picked up he also took too much time between recommending STEEM (which he practically gave away on free E-mails) and recommending EOS.

Maybe he is intentionally trying too hard to play it safe. He does do his research. But most of the time I end up feeling like I got a PG-13 Deadpool.

Best of Luck With Your Projects!
I'm finding a lot of dropouts on STEEM. This really is the best massive online community on Earth.

I always liked Komodo 😊

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