the school gun policy choicesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #kokesh7 years ago

Choose, please.
which gun policy works best.JPG

And this goes for private school, public school... college, or anywhere kids are assembled and put together like fish in a barrel. This is where the Deputiz'm Plan would be quite effective.

This nation has lost all ties with common sense....


While I believe that the second sign would minimize the probability of school shootings, it's not necessarily a good solution.

A better solution would be to home school children.

The US "educational system" does not educate children, it indoctrinates them.

Sure, if your only choice was between homeschooling and government indoctrination centers. However, church and private schools can do a fine job. Also, with homeschoolers, many parents bring their kids together for activities away from books and the computer. No reason to have them be fish in a barrel, either. We live in a savage world now... Deal with it.

And "minimize" the probability??? Seriously, what individual would go into a school knowing the staff is armed and properly trained? ...and have ZERO chance of coming out alive. These type of people only go fishing in a barrel.

The world has always been savage. Our current social system just amplifies the problems.

"Armed Staff" signs will stop school shootings as effectively as "Speed Limit" signs will stop people from speeding.

"... what individual would go into a school knowing the staff is armed and properly trained?"

Suicide by cop isn't an uncommon occurrence, so I know of no reason why such people wouldn't attack a school with the same goal in mind.

Church schools, home schooling and private schooling is a completely viable solution.

Legally forcing parents to put their kids into an environment which is unsafe is immoral and a complete violation of the non-aggression principle.

The "system" in our country drives many people of all ages to the point of insanity.

When dealing with insane people, all bets are off no matter what sign is posted.

Until parents decide to opt out of volunteering to send their children into kill zones, school shootings will continue.

You both have valid arguments. But the question at hand has a binary answer. Which of those two signs would you rather see?

From my first comment:

"While I believe that the second sign would minimize the probability of school shootings, it's not necessarily a good solution."

all suggestions for a better sign are welcome. I do not normally subscribe to any sort of false-dichotomy.

Sorry, I was just being logical with the binary bit, pun intended.
Your response says that you want more than just two choices. Maybe that's why we need to let everyone make their own choices through freedom. Everything is possible. Get out of this system that only gives you two choices all of the time.
BTW, do you know what would be better than those signs? Having none. Keep them guessing.

Is there any objection to the actual use of deadly force to prevent murder in any sort of assembly? We don't seem to have a problem with the hiring of private security companies to protect us... or do you? What is wrong with the paid staff doing "double duty" simultaneously? The Deputiz'm Plan is the perfect solution for "minarchos", but we'll have to wait until the anarchos build their first town or village to see how they would do it.... which means: DON'T BOTHER TRYING TO EXPLAIN IT, JUST SHOW US.

I will amend my proclamation to include the possibility of a "suicide/murder" activity. No sign would coax that one out of his choice. However, we do have to agree that once the perpetrator begins his activity, the damage will be held to an absolute minimum with a Deputiz'd staff. Yes or no?


While deputization isnt absolutely necessary, CLEET trainng would be required, just as it is for armed security guards.

The Deputiz'm Plan has lots of other benefits... So once the CLEET training is complete, might as well finish the deal.
If you are at Anarchopulco, go meet Mr. Andy "petition" Jacobs... producer of this short vid on the subject (aimed at Libertarians)

Tell him I said Hi... and to give his wife a greeting, as well.

So all you really have to do is get the schoolboards and the County Sheriff on board.

Easy enough. I'd personally leave the County Sheriff out of the loop, but I would go for it.

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