
Very, very nicely done here @nikolina I really think you hit the nail on the head in this post because I was really, truly able to resonate with much of what you included...
This IS very important and i have #gratefulvibes that you have nominated me to take part in this challenge. This is really going to challenge me to think about who I am and what I have become of the over years.
It seems as though you have learned a great deal in your life and have used your experiences (not failures) as lessons to learn and to grow and to allow others around you to use this as fuel to guide them in a positive direction in their life, as well.

Looking forward to composing my piece for this challenge. It may be later this week, however, because school has really started to catch up with me lol

Cheers to knowing yourself :))

Thank you so much for this generous comment!
I'm glad you can resonate with it. It took me a while to write this post because, with subjects like this, it really gets you thinking and there's always so much to say. But I do enjoy writing and sharing posts like this in hopes to inspire others.
I cannot wait to read your post! Take your time with it. I was aiming for a little bit of diversity when it comes to people I nominated so I think that each story will be inspiring and unique in it's own way.

Always is my pleasure :)
These posts really make you think, that's for sure. I am going to take my time with mine, as I don't want to rush into anything. I love this type of post too, and the inspiration part is a biggy for me.... (maybe a bit of a foreshadow there idk you will have to wait and see for yourself) lol

I enjoyed reading and learning a little bit more about you, it's always nice to hear some details about the people you connect with here on steemit. I'm glad you went for diversity and inclusion with this, such a great way to hear different stories and backgrounds.

I have already started a rough draft for my post and I am aiming to knock it out sometime this week, so be on the look out!!

Catch ya l8r Sk8r :))

Hehe I will accept this one too
In few days lol

Take your time @hazem91 :)))

Cool challenge! :D

It really is! You can participate if you want to share your story! :))

Haha, thanks! :D

I absolutely loved that it was personal, you did a great job (I knew you would)!

Thank you so much!
It's good to hear that from a person who started this challenge, hehe! :D

Great words, enjoyed reading it! Wish you all the best and see ya around!

Thank you, I appreciate it!
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed reading this post! :)

thanks for nominating me my dear@nikolina 😘❤️❤️❤️

I loved your post, thanks for joining in! :)

Thanks Nina for letting inside to understand more of the beautiful @nikolina!!
Thank you Nina for tagging me!!
My "knowyourself" post is here.
Bear Hugs!! xoxox

It's been a while since a shared a post that is a little bit more personal so this was a great opportunity to do so.
I just finished reading your post and I left you a comment there. I'm so happy you shared your story and I hope many people will read it. <3

Your post and style of writing is absolutely amazing. I found it very charming the way you put yourself in the post. You know what, honestly, you and I have so many similarities. I was reading your post and was thinking, "did she write about herself or about me??" lol .. @paradise-found tagged me to do this and thank you to him and you and the original content creator @tamacvet for this beautiful idea <3

Thank you, my friend!
Oh, it's amazing how you can find people so similar to you on this platform, even though they can be on the other side of the world, hehe.
I'm glad Papa Bear chose you, I will make sure to check out your post! :)

@nikolina I have not forgot about your nomination, I promise it will be coming soon!!! This post requires so much thought and contemplation... I thought I knew myself better than I do lol

I took a little break from steemit as I took a spring break trip to New Orleans with some college friends!! have you ever been to NOLA, or the U.S. for that matter??

Hey @conradsuperb! It's nice to have you back on Steemit! :)
Don't worry, there is no time limit for this challenge so whenever you make your post, I'll be happy to read it.
New Orleans sounds fun! I hope you had a great time! I've never been to the US but I would like to visit, I just have no idea where would I go first, haha! I would love to see Grand Canyon. Well, road trip in a van where I can also sleep would be perfect. I just need a driver lol. I don't know how to drive.

New Orleans was one of the coolest places I have been to (in the U.S.). There was so much culture and the environment was unlike any other I have ever experienced before. You could tell there was still some remnants from Hurricane Katrina which happened all the way back in 2005, but the cities life never vanished...

the grand canyon (which I have never been to) would be an amazing place to go!! I have heard so many stories and seen so many pictures from friends that have gone. I cannot wait to go here, I will definitely be hitting this bucket list item in the next few years for sure.

No worries, I'm your guy if you ever need a driver lol road-tripping is my cup of tea (or your cup of java) lol

be on the look out for my #knowyourself post, will be here in the next few days for sure!!

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