Art of Knowing Yourself - Challenge by @tamacvet [¿Let's talk about our lives... Would you participate in this?]

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Many were the unpleasant and heartbreaking episodes that have taken my life.

Many were the bitter days and the sleepless nights I lived.

Many of us have lived prisoners of complex, self-critical and inhibitions.

Hundreds are the causes that lead us to judge and reproach ourselves on a daily basis.

We are neutral focus of wrong assessments, when we see ourselves in the mirror, acting and sometimes we minimize our skills by not knowing our strengths and abilities.

When this happens we must sit down and reflect, we must be guarantors of valuing what we are.

Our value depends on ourselves.

Thanks to @tamacvet for raising such a great proposal. In order to answer your questions, here are my replies.

Why do I think it's important to discover yourself?

After having lived circumstances and events that have marked my life in different ways, I undertook a flight towards myself (it was about time), I needed to give answers to so many questions that arose in my day to day and I could not answer them in the everyday world in which he lived.

Bitterness, frustrations, despair, despair, my happiness fluctuated and my tranquility diminished.

Deep down I was aware that everything depended on me and I decided to start changing the world.

Start by myself.

I had to do a self-evaluation and know the causes and consequences of my actions, I had to know and analyze those negative attitudes that made the passing of my days so heavy and above all felt that I had to take responsibility for channeling the energies concentrated in me. .

Transforming my thoughts was the first step, rooted in my life guilt, resentment and negativity was paramount.

Here was the key to everything.

We must assume the responsibility to modify our thoughts and be clear that our attitudes are responsible for our success or failure (although we do not believe it, we doubt it or we do not remember it).

We have to do a thorough investigation of what we do in relation to what we want and what we are, we must be clear about our objectives, goals, aspirations, desires and work towards them.

What was it that I learned from me since I discovered myself?

Life took me to the bank of losers, but one day I woke up, I put on the superhero costume and changed my life.

I decided to save myself:

I learned to be strong
I learned to cleanse my mind, soul and heart.
I learned and I forbade myself to question my worth.
I learned to recognize my shortcomings and to highlight my virtues and abilities.
I learned to love and love myself.
I learned to be happy without conditioning my tranquility.
I learned to be grateful to God and to life.

I understood that my life, my luck, my destiny, my happiness and my tranquility, only depended on me.

I took care of my messes, put my pieces together and decided to continue.

Who do I nominate?

I am curious to know the criteria regarding my friends, @ bryanale98, @ luciana.malave, @ mayrim.lopez and of course @ the01crow.

Until I was happy

