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I am curious, this series of your fascinates me. What are your thoughts on all of this personally? I grew up reading the Daniken books, loved In Search Of. Some of it I believe, but I begin getting skeptical with the talk of Reptilians and Ashtar command and all of that. It seems logical to assume if they were still here they would be openly enslaving us as it appears they had in the past.


Daniken's books were very interesting and back then I viewed them as science fiction than a history lesson. I think that with the universe been in existence for billions of years, for us to think that we are the only sentient beings in such an unimaginably huge space is like saying there are but one animal species e.g. monkeys living in a forest.

I think the "fact" that there are many other sentient civilizations more advanced than us in terms of technology and consciousness will not change the fact that there's only one creator. Knowing who these other civilizations are and their role in our evolution is like learning how to raise a chicken and to grow your own vegetables in addition to just learning how to cook your favorite chicken recipe. That way, it's more fulfilling as a chef.

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