Do you remember that little thing called Imagination?

in #knowledge7 years ago (edited)

As children we often use our imaginations to play with our friends or to keep ourselves occupied when we are bored.
With just a little imagination a stick can become a light saber, a sword or even a gun!
With more imagination we could be anything.
We were knights of the round table, we were cops and robbers, and sometimes cowboys and Indians.
We would use big boxes to build spaceships, boats and race cars in my basement.
I remember we would pretend the ground was lava and used couch cushions to hop across the floor.
The fun was literally endless!
As long as we could dream it up, nothing could stop us from doing it.

Then one day it seems as if you wake up and it's all just gone. You are a teenager in middle school, worried about the opposite sex and popularity more than anything. What was once your best friend instead becomes your worst enemy as your insecurities take over what use to be your imagination. "Fitting in" becomes more important than anything and it's not "cool" to pretend things anymore, "that is for children, not teenagers." So you toss aside your imagination like it was nothing more than a useless toy from your childhood and start conforming to the lockstep of society.

When was the last time you used your imagination? Where did it go?
Do you still believe that you need it in your life?

I find it sad that even in the summer you rarely see kids outside playing anymore, and if you do it is with some cool toy never with a stick or a finger for a gun. Imagination is being wiped out. Now we only see kids inside, sitting down in front of a television (being programmed) or playing video games all day long. You no longer see kids playing hockey or basketball in the streets, and sadly enough you don't even have to slow down around parks anymore because no kids are ever playing there.

What does that matter you ask? Well I have realized something about imagination recently. It is way more important than we think it is. It is the bridge that crosses the gaps of our dreams to reality!
You see we are told from a very young age that "anything is possible if we put our minds to it" but as we grow older we are basically told this is shit and we need to grow up and get a fucking job! The problem is that jobs are bullshit, you are working your ass off to enrich someone else's life? Why? Because we have crushed the imagination and dreams of so many people that now we think going to school, getting a degree, then getting a good job is the only answer to a happy life. Believe me, its not! I've had those things and was way more miserable than when I was just a broke stoner living on friends couches.

You see we are brainwashed into believing if you don't have a white picket fence and children then you have the wrong dream. If you try to go against the norm you get assaulted from every side. Your friends, your family, even your acquaintances all want you to do what they are doing, even though deep down they are miserable, because that is what society expects. And let me tell you about misery, it loves company! So don't get sucked into that mindset.

If you want something bad enough you will imagine a way to figure it out. The universe has a funny way of giving you what you want if you ask for it correctly. Unfortunately that way to ask for things is to use your imagination, to dream of what might be, or what you truly want your life to look like if you chose to follow those dreams. It all starts with a small idea that grows and grows as you talk about it, think about it, and act on it. You see your imagination is actually a very important tool in life to get you wherever you want to go, and all you have to do is just believe in it.

So don't let your imagination go to waste. Stop netflix and chilling, stop playing video games and constantly messing on your phone and start playing on the floor with your child. Pretend sticks are swords, boxes are race cars and that you can fly, because the only thing that is stopping you is your lack of imagination!

The world is yours!
Don't get held back in life because you forgot about that little thing called imagination!

"imagination creates reality"

So dream big and teach your children that ANYTHING is possible, as long as they can imagine it.

Peace, love and all that hippie shit


Your post was resteem by Whale ResteemService @booster007

Keep it up!
All the best!

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This Post has Resteemd and upvoted by Steemit Viral Good Luck !

So true. I completely and totally agree with everything you said in this post. If I could vote a multiple times, I definitely would but sadly all you got is 100% of my tiny vote.
Anyway an awesome post.

Thank u so much! I say that exact same thing when i find a post that i really relate to so that is a huge compliment to me :)


Thank u, i really appreciate this service! :)

welcome mate.

HA! funny I was thinking of Einstein at the beginning of the post! HA-Ha!
I like this post and is so true!! every word! I am that boy, I didn't understand why people get mad when I was small only to realize later on that they are miserable and feel alive only when they get angry, when they their blood gets stagnant and the only way to give it a rush of adrenaline is by getting angry at each other, pumping that vein with venom just so they could not die in misery... they have lost taste in life and are indoctrinated in how to live longer but without the excitement ... they like to think they had it good and are up on the society ladder...they are not...
With this crypto thing I hope to get free for the gazillion time that I tried but seems this time something is tangible...something is real will eventually come from my imagination stream...

Yes, exactly! You made some great points, thanks for the great comment.
But I want you to know the harder it gets, the closer you are to a break through.. so don't give up! If this was really easy then everyone would do it and be rich.. If you do your due diligence then cryptos will definitely take care of you in the future. So just keep using those laws of attraction with your imagination a little bit longer my friend and the universe will take very good care of you ;)

I will take those words at heart! I know it can get difficult and I will remember to hold on...Thank you so much for your words of encouragement !! you really are a wise man!! :)

ha, I don't know about wise so much as maybe experienced. I've just recently started to take the time to reflect on my life to see how I ended up where I am and how I might have gotten here faster. I know this sounds stupid as i feel stupid just saying it (lol) but for the last year I have listened to motivational videos every morning on youtube for about an hour or two while I work. Since I started thinking in a different manner my whole life has changed! Its crazy how the right mindset every morning can make your entire day more productive, which ultimately changes your life. Anyhow, something you may wanna try if you are close but just can't seem to get where you wanna be, cuz it helped me out a lot! Take care :)

mindset is a key word...even though I have a good mindset lol at least I like to think there are many exterior factors that add up and push you out your dream...these our powerful, physical factors like the people around you and ultimately the country you live in...crypto bring some freedom, a light at the end of the tunnel like a hope to dismantle all these factors all at once ..the tunnel can be long and full of surprises but the light can only get brighter... I pray for the energy out there to play my way and get me to the light day
Thank you again and yea...experience create wisdom ;)...may the good energy of the universe continue passing your way as I "hodl" on for mine...:)

The points you make about not being forced into society's mold are crucially important to communicate to young people. I appreciate your championing of the imagination. Re-Steemed.



When was the last time you used your imagination? Where did it go?
Do you still believe that you need it in your life?

A few seconds ago.
It's here.
Yes, of course. Imagination along with curiosity are for me the two most powerful tools that human beings have.

You sir, are a rare breed! Thanks for keepin it real.

This post received a 4% upvote from @morwhale team thanks to @moderndayhippie! For more information, click here! , TeamMorocco! .

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