The Rosicrucians

in #knowledge7 years ago

One of the most secret of secret societies is the Fraternity of the Rose Cross better known as the Rosicrucians, nobody knows where or how they started or if they exist today. Granted there are a few societies or groups who claim to be the depositories of any arcane knowledge that the Order had but nobody knows if these societies are really what they say they are or are just impostors.

They are first publicly known after they published their manifesto Fama Fraternitatis in 1614. Nobody is sure who wrote this book even though it is widely believed a person known as Chritian Rosencreutz was it’s author. This person is by himself another mystery, he is supposed to have gained much knowledge in Damascus and from there he went to the mystical city of Damcar which can only be surmised at as there is no idea of its location or if it really existed. Rosencreutz continued his journey, by now being a man heavily knowledgeable of mysticism learned from philosophers, qabbalists and mystics in Arabia, he also translated the mystic book M there and brought it with him to Europe, but first he did some more studying at Fez, in Morocco.

He then departed for Europe with great knowledge about the properties of plants, in fact it is believed his knowledge and the reading of the book M made Paracelsus one of the leading medical practitioners in Europe. But despite his desire to have European scientists take advantage of his knowledge he was not well received and so he went to Germany and there he was able with three friends to start what was to become the Rosicrucians, this number was later increased to 7 friends and himself 8 in total.

Eventually these 7 friends moved to different parts of Europe taking their knowledge with them, but at some point the story stops and their knowledge was no longer available, at least to any large amounts of people. I see this happening in lots of esoteric societies, the knowledge is nearly lost after some of its members have been directed to different parts to impart this knowledge. Even the Rothschilds have the 5 sons who were sent to different parts of Europe.

I unfortunately have not read any of the books supposedly written by Rosencreutz, I have in fact only read some of the books authored by Max Heindel who was a 19th century Rosicrucian author, even though no one is sure if he was following the original knowledge. These books have some interesting ideas and I believe most of them are just remakes of hermetic knowledge.

Now one of the things that I have read is that the real Rosicrucians are picked by beings who are not actually of this material plane, they are ethereal and they chose people whom they think are capable of continuing the knowledge.

I personally find the Rosicrucians very interesting and am trying to get my hands on at least one of Rosencreutz’ books, is their knowledge real? Who knows but it is always good to have an idea about everything and I like to read so that is one task I have set for myself, read his books also see if the book of M is available. I know many people scoff at these notions but, who knows maybe there is some truth in this types of alleged esoteric knowledge.


beings who are not actually of this material plane
never trust the chairforce.
tankers are better...
nothing beats an abrams.

Russia’s new T-14 Armata tank finally does present a peer challenge to the Abrams. While the Abrams still appears to have a slight edge in conventional armor, the Armata compensates with a combination of explosive-reactive armor and a sophisticated radar-guided Afganit Active Protection System (APS) intended to shoot down incoming projectiles. The T-14’s new 2A82 125mm also has improved armor penetration, meaning the Abrams’s frontal armor may be vulnerable at shorter combat ranges (possibly 1,500 meters and less).

While it’s still debatable which is the superior tank—they clearly both are capable of destroying one other—the point is that the Abrams can no longer assume the inferiority of opposing tanks.

how old is the Abrams?

I don't know I could Google it, but you said nothing beats the Abrams, I just showed you it isn't so.

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