It will be possible for humans and robots to make children within 100 years (International Conference)

in #know7 years ago

Dr. David Levy, worldwide authority at Dr. David Levy, worldwide authority at the " Third International Conference on Robot and Sexual Love " held in London, England on December 20, 2017, manipulated the genetic information of cells, We played about how to create a child with.

Dr. Levy says, "Given the recent progress in research on stem cells and artificial chromosomes, humans and robots can make children."

Scientific consideration until children of human and robot can be formed

To the era when the method of conception can be chosen with the advent of in vitro fertilization

In the performance, Dr. Levi highlighted research in the field of stem cells, bionanotechnology, robot genetics.

Since the advent of mankind, sexual intercourse between men and women has been recognized as the only way to make children, and Dr.. But on July 25, 1979, Louise Brown got the world's first 'test tube baby' by in vitro fertilization, the situation changed.

"The advent of in vitro fertilization brought momentum into research to change the rule of conception and to explore alternatives for human reproduction" (Dr. Levi)

Development of stem cell research

Equally important is the study of the British embryologist John Gardon . He proved that the frog stem cell composition can be rearranged and overturned the "biological premise".

Stem cells obtained from embryos are special cells that can grow into any cell in the human body. Before Gardon's experiment in 1962, it was thought that stem cells "lose their ability to change to other cells" if they "specialize".

But Gardon proved that "every cell in the body has total genetic information". This was a great achievement leading to the birth of the sheep clone "Dolly" later.

Shinya Yamanaka, who won the Nobel Prize in 2012, reprogrammed growing cells into immature cells to further advance stem cell research.

In April 2016, Stanford University and Valencia Infertility Research Institute announced that they succeeded in producing human sperm from skin cells. In September of the same year, Tony Perry and others of Bath University reported that they discovered how to make children without female eggs.

Development of robot genetics

It is because of such progress that Dr. Levi thinks that it is possible for children to be awarded without even sexual activity or even in vitro fertilization.

Regarding robot genetics, Dr. Levi refers to the research of Korean Kim Jong-hwan who is a pioneer of ubiquitous robot engineering.

His team developed the world's first robotic chromosome. This is an electronic DNA code for producing artificial life.

Development of bionanotechnology

And it is nanotechnology based on chips which can inject genetic code into skin cells developed by Ohio State University of USA.

It is a substitute that utilizes chip action (tissue nano-transfection / TNT) to be able to convey the robot's genetic code to children in the future with the human genetic code.

Possibility of hybrid children and robots appearing within 100 years

"We manipulate human skin cells, create sperm and eggs, and from there we use TNT to give birth to a complete human baby through surrogate mother.The robot of the future suddenly has become a reality." Doctor)

In the near future, it will become possible to make children with people and robots.

In concluding the performance, Dr. Levi asked, "Will this happen while I am alive?"

According to him, "Considering the incredible speed of discovery and progress of cell biology and nanotechnology, it seems reasonable to think that hybrids of people and robots will emerge within the next 100 years".
References: dailystar / dailymail

It seems that the robot and human beings will love to marry or get married and they will even be able to even make children with the robot, or it will be a great future, but declining birthrates and the like may have a braking, or nothing There is a possibility that a monster baby can be made, it is a field where the delusion can not stop.

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